Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@PhotographerMom – am I mistaken in thinking you were a rider? Because horse show has to win the hurry up and wait prize. Even over crew. At least they have reliable start times…

Swim meets and track meets would rank up there, too.

At least with crew they have the food tables. :smiley:

I was and that’s true, @gardenstategal but I smoked cigarettes ( along with everyone else ) so it never felt like waiting… :wink:

Oy! those horse shows… it’s all coming back to me now… 8-|

Ah yes! 5 hours at a pool to see you kid swim for 22 seconds…but at least you can see the start and finish. And the weather is always warm…even if it smells like chlorine. The kiddos smell like chlorine permanently. God I miss that smell!

I have to say a strong contender in the “hurry up and wait” category is competitive rock climbing. I once spent 2 entire days breathing chalk and sweat to watch Chimneykid climb for 12 seconds, which was a disappointing time by the way – the winners were under 10 seconds. (speed climbing - one of the 3 disciplines) On the plus side, it is mostly indoors, free wifi, and the kids could not be nicer. Too bad more boarding schools don’t compete. It’s in the Olympics in 2020!

Gymnastics is a huge hurry up and wait sport…especially power tumbling and trampoline–sitting around to finally see the maximum 15 second pass, which most of the time is so far away from the seats, that you’re not exactly sure if that’s your kid or not.

@chemmchimney If our school offered that, DD would be all for it. She’s a climber, both indoor and outdoor and thoroughly enjoys it! She doesn’t get to climb as much as she’d like being away at school and all.

One of the schools she applied to and was accepted offered rock climbing, but where she goes now is the best fit her. She’s looking forward to climbing this summer though!

I miss the one sport that encouraged thirteen year olds to smoke…

We have to give swim meets the nod. Nothing like walking from an 80° + humid pool where you have been for 2-3 hours out to a 20° car, in the dark…

What about wrestling?? All day long for a 0-3 minute match, crowded bleacher seating, sweat, yuck!

I feel all sports that require parents to get up before dawn in the cold and drive the kiddo to the staging area are highly suspect. I feel lucky to have been a BS hockey mom who skipped over all those 5 am rides to the rink.


That’s the one good thing about golf team - you still have to do it outdoors and during daylight :))


Ugh! When you totally mess up the time the car service has to take DD for her flight an hour and a half away! L-) :((

A night spent scrambling for a different ride…thank goodness for day student friends!! #:-S

Oh no @RuralAmerica travel woes are awful!!!

Can we create a thread where people can go and scream?

That would be this thread, @PhotographerMom:


I’ve been unloading there for years. :((

That’s too far for me to travel… can’t we have one closer? Plus… I’m afraid of people with 45,000 + posts ~:>