Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Wait. What do you mean “used to send them”…? How do you get to that? Mine would melt down if no Easter Bunny visit. In our family, Easter/Valentines/Christmas are celebrated as legal days to eat as much candy as you can for breakfast.


Peeps s’mores are the best when made in the microwave. Did you see they have a new Peeps marshmallow crème filled Oreo? DH and I will no doubt make a Target Run for those. Too late now to include them in the already mailed Easter baskets. Oh well…next year.

@london203 I thought it was a bit much to ask the dorm parent to hide eggs…but I have a funny feeling DS will be very upset at missing out on egg hunting! He and DD would elbow each other out of the way to get to them!! Maybe we can rig a FaceTime venture and I’ll be his stand-in. :))

I hope some schools still do Easter egg hunts… :O)

^^The school may provide an easter egg hunt on campus. At Choate, the annual ritual was to hide eggs AND bacon, since the mascot is the Wild Boar. The kids seemed to enjoy it.

What? Choate had an Easter ritual? No way! Someone has some s’plainin’ to do.

I just sent a box to ChoatieSgt filled with plastic green grass, non-sugar treats, a couple of things he left behind at break, and a few toys that I re-labeled:

  • Frisbee ("Manual Drone, batteries/electricity not required")
  • Bug Box ("Military Cockroach Capture System")
  • Mini Play-Dohs ("Recreational C4, Explosive Fun for the Whole Family")

I can’t imagine getting to a place where I don’t send him SOMEthing for every holiday. My mom still sends me stuff and she lives just up the road.

Just sent CameoKid her Easter basket today too. I shopped at this lovely local chocolate shop where everything is handmade. Should have sent it ALL to her, though. Had kind of a stressful day at the office, and I ate an entire dark chocolate bunny. It was delicious, but now I feel sick. UGH. This is as bad as Halloween! [-X

PS ChoatieMom – you are hilarious!

Not to make you all jealous, but the Easter Bunny gets to deliver to our apartment this year! No mailing required… I am super excited. First Easter together in more than 4 years!!

PS because I am in NYC (I mean, because the Easter Bunny is in NYC), I am going to find a candy shop I follow on Instagram… called Stick With Me Sweets ( @swmsweets)… they look gorgeous and I am hoping they have the little cactus ones available and that I didn’t have to order in advance…

Oh yeah @ChoatieMom always an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday for those stuck on campus. The students also did something special for faculty kids, though I can’t remember what.

At K2’s college there’s a large group of former BS kids who still dress up in coat and tie and go to Chapel on Sunday. For Easter Sunday there will be a big group this year with a “fancy” brunch afterwards. I believe this will be the first year that the guys included girlfriends and girls " who are friends " for brunch dates afterwards . Everyone is dressing up, too… Easter egg ties - the works.

K2 said the group formed from old habits dying hard and the fact that BS kids naturally gravitate towards old Chapels. He said it started off very small during freshman year and grew the following year as more BS kids flowed in and again this year… to the point where a lot of kids ( non BS kids, too ) want to go… and do go every Sunday morning… word just spread. It’s a thing…

Interesting - He said it’s something they all look forward to every week . And then under his breath said something like - no matter what condition we’re in.

@london203 unfortunately re-entry doesn’t exist for her in our small town. All of her friends from K-8 act like she doesn’t exist and the adults are just rude.

Our school combined Spring break with Easter Break this year and I’m soooo excited to have my girl home!! The Easter bunny still makes an appearance here, and I don’t think that will ever change, no matter the age!

Speaking about age, I tried lying about mine, but it seems someone did their research and found me out…I’m not sure that’s a good enough reason to be labeling me a “senior” member, though!! I feel like I should be checking into a nursing home…

@buuzn03 - Congratulations? I’m old enough to remember @london203 and I racing for 500… and it wasn’t that long ago! :slight_smile:

You wear it well…

@PhotographerMom If I recall we had a mini celebration!

Do we have any cyber confetti leftover for @buuzn03 ?

I have to admit…I’m of the age that the title “senior” anything is a tad offensive. :)) Although, DD tells everyone I’m 26…trying to figure out how I avoided People magazine when I had DS.

Confetti? I always thought this crowd celebrated with cocktails. :slight_smile:

I’ll drink to that!

Now I’m old…I was checking into a hotel last week and the desk clerk said to me “ Oh, you must be my mom’s age! You both have emails that are aol accounts” %-(