Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

ChoatieKid had a GF in middle school, and I had to deal with heartbreak there. Then, he had GF throughout most of his time at BS. No heartbreak there, just mutual move-on before graduation like a lot of BS relationships. He had a female “BF” his first two years in college who was really a GF, but that “friendship” ended very badly. He has vowed to put relationships on hold until he finishes his service years and seems to be sticking to that, but we’ll see. He is definitely happier when he has GF but, either way, he doesn’t let his grades suffer. At the rate he’s going though, DH and I may be in a home before we have any grandkids.

28 degrees here this morning - ouch!
Choatie #1 had a couple boyfriends in BS that didn’t last long. I told her any boy you think you want to kiss is worth parents meeting. Alas, they did and she didn’t allow us to meet BF.

She dated someone seriously in college for first 2 years whom she met at end of freshman year, but she broke it off because they were really growing apart, and she is graduating now and moving on to her first job unattached.

Choatie #2 had no real BF until Feb of senior year of BS. They truly seemed in love. Never seen her happier, or him for that matter, and they visited each other freshman year of college, and went back to Deerfield day together, but he got very possessive, and long distance relationships never work well. They are both Sophomores in college now and very far apart. She’s back to “dating,” but no one serious.

The good news is that BFs did not consume them. They both have a good head on their shoulders and have been able despite break-ups to “keep calm and carry on,” pursuing their hopes and dreams. It’s good to have had more than one relationship before you settle down.

CameoKid’s middle school beau unceremoniously dumped her via a text message in October of her freshman year at BS. And since she was at an all-girls school, boyfriends were out of the picture for the next several years. Her school was lovingly referred to as “The Yellow Nunnery” by the students (pretty much all buildings are the same shade of yellow) and there were times when D lamented that she would have a big learning curve, socially, whence she arrived at a college where there would be male students. Fast forward to post-graduation… she connected online with a nice boy via the college’s accepted students page online… they became friends and played video games… met in person at move-in (in the same dorm) and became better friends, now they are a couple. He’s a lovely young man who earned a TON of bonus points with me for bravery – he went out to dinner with me when we met for the first time – and as it turned out, D was preparing for a concert and was unable to join us! He is a bit shy and must have been terrified-- I interrogated the poor kid like a CIA agent – and we managed to have a good time! He clearly adores my girl, and she is crazy about him. He’s an athlete, she’s a musician… they have a lot of different friends, separate interests… they love spending time together, but are certainly not joined at the hip. It seems to be working well. She’s very happy.

@PhotographerMom I haven’t met him yet. I’ve just seen pictures and have heard practically everything about him. She met him at a Model UN conference. The story goes that he saw her from across the room at a social one of the nights and just knew he had to talk to “the girl with that beautiful hair!” :-& They’ve been talking ever since and he’s driven to see her three times since then. They have plans this weekend and he’s planning on coming to watch the school musical one of the weekends as well. She has to introduce him to the Dean of Students the first time he’s on campus! :)) I think that makes her more nervous than having him meet me.

It’s so difficult living so far away. I’m flying out for a visit at the beginning of next month, so I plan on meeting him then. He really seems like a nice boy. He’s the same age as she is, same grade level as well. Sounds like he’s very respectful of her when they speak and he’s never had a serious girlfriend either. They have a lot of those similarities.

Thank you to everyone for sharing their stories about their own kiddos first romances! It honestly helps to hear them considering we’re all in the same boat with being away from our kids. CC is honestly the best outlet I find oftentimes. No one that I would talk to at home “gets it” and I love coming here and not feeling judged.

@cameo43 that whole text message dumping really sucks. Not quite the same, but RuralGirl’s best friend did that same thing. Texted her that they could no longer be friends since she left and then made friends so quickly at her new school. This was her best friend from K-8 too.

That’s awful, @RuralAmerica. Best friends are just not supposed to pull that sort of stunt. I’m glad RuralGirl found a new social circle at her school.

And I think it’s sweet that he was mesmerized by your daughter and her beautiful hair! :slight_smile:

Like @RuralAmerica said, not everybody “gets it” — and it’s not so easy to find kindred spirits out there in the world.

I just feel compelled to say how very grateful I am for the many connections I have made on this forum. Not only for the stories we share (some hilarious, some cringeworthy), the great wise advice I’ve received, the times I’ve been talked down from a moment of panic, and the sharing of very useful, practical information… but, most of all, for the many people I first “met” on CC who I have since actually met in real life, some of whom have then become treasured close friends. I have had the Most Fun Ever during the past couple of days, getting to know the family of a CC poster as they are visiting me during their NE prep school revisit trip. It has been an absolute delight… and honestly, I feel so privileged to share in their “prep school journey”. So many people here have brought so much to my life over the past handful of years! Community and relationships are hugely important to me, and this is something I NEVER expected when I joined CC. I thought I’d just be getting some helpful tips about finding the right school. (My kid does occasionally remind me that “You always told me not to make friends online! There could be serial killers on that forum!” LOL – I think she’s seen too many episodes of Criminal Minds…) So … thanks, guys. I feel blessed. :slight_smile:

@cameo43 It was pretty awful at the time, but we are both so very grateful for her new sisters/friends. She never realized how amazing a true friendship could be until she went there. Unfortunately, we live in a VERY small town and what she’s doing is just so alien to the mindset here, I almost can’t blame them. Almost. I view everything here as an outsider now and I know every single day that we made the right choice and that she is where she belongs!

You put into words exactly how I feel about this forum. Even if I don’t comment as much as some, I follow everyone’s story here and get on almost daily for the sharing.

@ChoatieMom I prefer cold over heat as well and it just started snowing here! I do wish for a little spring weather though. I really like spring and I hate when it jumps from winter straight into summer.

@cameo43, where exactly do you live? 'Cause I’m sharpening my knives…


LOLOL @gardenstategal :open_mouth:

You’d better not be a serial killer as my loved ones are not far from you right now :wink:

^you guys are a riot. I second @cameo43 – y’all have been so instrumental in this journey for us. I only hope that one day I’ll get to meet y’all and we can share a flaming cocktail together!!! Y’all are always welcome in Texas!!

We saw the movie Chappaquiddick yesterday afternoon. The atmosphere at the movie theater was so strange- it was like opening night for a new Lord of the Rings or Marvel film … the crowd size for a film like this was completely wild.

This showing was at a more " luxurious" theater in town ( which I’m a little unaccustomed to because I favor another one ) with full bar service and reclining seats. So when we finally got seated just after 4:00 with our water and popcorn it suddenly becomes apparent that everyone ( except for us ) is drinking cocktails! The entire theater reeked like booze!! It was actually a little disturbing… When the movie started it was like sight and smell converging… and we were all at the same party with Ted. I’m not kidding!!!

IDK… call me crazy but the subject matter of this film didn’t necessarily scream Gin and Tonic to me… and I’m usually onboard.

It was the most bizarre movie experiences ever… When the lights came on everyone looked completely stunned and hammered… and it would be nice to think that everyone called Uber after the movie … but I sincerely doubt it.

Just surreal… but I thought it was a very good film.

I want to see that movie, @PhotographerMom, but our local theater is old school. Alcohol does seem an odd choice given the subject matter. And I’m usually onboard, too.

As for serial killers, ChoatieKid always said, “MOM get OFF that board! You are probably chatting with old men in stained wife-beaters who live in dank basements. Do NOT give out any personal info – which includes where we live.” Well, I’ve met a few of you and none have even a whiff of basement. Hugs to everyone here. I’ll probably never leave for good for all the reasons @cameo43 listed so eloquently.

You can all imagine the “feedback” I received from LondonKid when I informed her I was headed out to meet a friend from this board for coffee. Her facial expression was priceless!

Besides, any group that can discuss the merits of individual cocktails for 5-10 pages can’t be all that bad, right?

After several revisits, we’ve narrowed the field down to three: St. Andrew’s in Delaware, Thacher in California, and Lick-Wilmerding in San Francisco.

Not sure how we’ll get it down to one by Monday’s FedEx deadline.

If we can narrow it down to two, we can at least flip a coin. Or perhaps we’ll do the Math and pick the most economical.

So very grateful that all three choices are amazing… I credit the parent community on College Confidential with providing the insights we needed to identify schools that reflect our family values and where we know our daughter would thrive. Thank you… and stay tuned!

Congratulations on a final 3 @calimex. Those are excellent choices, and it must be nice to have narrowed the field. Did you by chance revisit Emma Willard? We still have 4 on our list Emma, Madeira, Westover and Miss Porters and have a day school revisit to BB&N on Monday.
Trying to get the number down a bit. I am open to anyone else making the decision!!

We didn’t make it to the Emma or Westover revisits, but loved both schools. (The FA just wasn’t as generous…) Good luck!