Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@buuzn03 - my avatar was indeed an actual cameo, for years, until we hit the WPI “enroll now” button. I love that their mascot is a goat, because we have goats at home. I’m not sure that GoatMama has an actual goat. But I think PhotoMom may have the most helpful avatar of all… when I see that turtle, I know it’s time to get some sleep!


Finally made a decision: Our girl will be headed to Thacher! (Or as one parent described it at the SAS Visit Back Day, St. Andrew’s of the West!)

@CaliMex that’s so awesome!!! I’ll definitely be messaging you this time next year to see what y’all think! Congratulations!!!

In re to students needing to be their own advocates at BS, I’ll say it a different way. We made a shift to support our kids (students) at home. We gave them good advice, but did not interfere. We told them if you don’t feel you got the grade you deserved or that it matched the effort you put into it, go talk to the teacher and let them know and ask how to do better the next time. Ask how to study in their class, to learn the material better. We never went to talk to a teacher except to say hello. Both of my students ended up well both in the top 15% of their classes making Cum Laude and Prizes on Prize Day. We always listened at home and tried to give support. You don’t need to intervene at school, but yes, intervene at home.

Congrats to your D, @CaliMex! :slight_smile:

Agree @Preppedparent! That’s why it’s important to apply to and then (hpehully)select a school where there is trust and transparency. That way, your student will have a safe platform upon which to self-advocate and navigate through challenges.

@Golfgr8 Has your family decided yet which school gets the green jacket? :wink:

Not yet / still dreaming about Q-School and those 2 Eagles @ Augusta!! But I have held the jacket for someone :bz … while they went to the test room!

I mean rest room :))

Congratulations, @CaliMex ! Awesome choice… and much happiness to you and your family :slight_smile: Yay!!

congrats @CaliMex !

@Golfgr8 … Can we move this along? We’re all on the edge of our seats! :wink:

Maybe we should start a betting pool?

@Golfgr8 has 2 more days. If she’s like me (had we had a choice), she’s going to deliberate until the NTh hour.

Don’t overthink it. Gotta go with your gut (or heart) on this one.

Congratulations, @CaliMex! What a great outcome! I hope your daughter will have a wonderful experience at Thacher.

@preppedparent for some of us, overthinking IS our gut…LOL. Thank goodness I didn’t have to overthink last year…thanks to CC folks giving it to me straight about the WL!!!

Nah… I think @Golfgr8 should ask for extensions and put us all over the edge. B-)

Nope. He has cystic fibrosis and will have to stay local. Either IB or a local BS as a day student.