Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@cameo43 I laugh, but you are in fact correct, at least so far as the classic version and its variants. There are a couple of versions that I would totally suck at; the World of Warcraft and Power Rangers editions come to mind. :slight_smile:

That’s what I’m talkin’ about… ! I didn’t even know there was a Power Rangers edition. LOL

My brother used to read all of the cards before we’d play…and of course, win by a landslide. It took us a while to catch on that that was what he was doing.

@twinsmama Congrats on the final payment!

I know that some think that old-timers like me are too quick to tell newbs to use the search tool…but there was a post from early this AM that supports the point that people don’t even try to make an effort. Good on buuzn03 for being a better person than I could ever be! :wink:

For some reason, I am still surprised when a user planning to apply to HYPMS (or HADES for the younger ones) posts a question and fully thinks that s/he is the very first person in the history of the universe to have thought of the query.

@SevenDad if you could have heard the words coming out of my mouth when I was posting, you would not be giving me much credit. And @skieurope all I keep thinking is-I’m thinking the schools are seeing the need to be sooon fed and therefore, the WL. Sigh. Thank goodness I am better able to filter the written word than the verbal or I think I’d have been banned by now!

Personally, I don’t think a student needing to be spoon-fed will even get as far as the WL for this tier of schools.

In this case, I am willing to give wilmo a little bit of credit here. S/he did acknowledge that it had been answered in the Wait List thread, but mentioned it would be helpful to him/her and possibly others to have a thread about it. The link to the list of BS’s with openings for Fall 2018 is about 17 pages back on the Wait List thread. And while I can appreciate that people don’t always do their research, dredging through that thread is a chore.

As a test, I used the search function on the main Prep School Admissions page and tried “BS Openings”, “Boarding School Fall Openings” and “Boarding School Opening”, and Wilmos’ thread was the only one that yielded a result with that link in it. So the search function did not “find” the previous link within the Wait List thread. The name of the Wait List thread does not yield itself as a place that people may look for a link regarding schools with openings for Fall. So students or parents who may be lurking or just stumbling across CC for the first time may find it useful to have an actual thread dedicated to the topic and the link of schools that are still accepting apps for Fall.

@dramakid2 that’s the only reason I found it and posted. However, someone that knew it was there (the person who created the new thread) could’ve taken the same time as myself to score through the pages of the wait list to find the link and then post it on the new thread…as I did. Especially is one has a vested interest in the subject, which at this time, I don’t. And even more so to help others who are new, which was the claim…and again, the reason I took the time to research and publish. But I digress because I was to keep these thoughts to myself, in hopes of being a bigger person (hopeless—-unless we are talking about girth—which is winless. Lol).
I’ll be the first to agree the search tool is archaic and not very user friendly (I have mentioned it more than once) but research and preparation isn’t always easy. I hope my kids do more than their due diligence when they are in that driver’s seat.

I understand what you are saying @buuzn03. I agree that the student could have looked back through the Wait List pages and found the link to post.

I don’t know what wilmo’s thoughts were when s/he started the thread. The wait list thread has gone the way of posters saying “I got emails from X, Y and Z schools saying they have openings.” Maybe wilmo thought that starting a new thread about openings for Fall would be a more appropriate place for people to post that information. I don’t really know, just trying to give the benefit of the doubt to the student.

Having been on the forum for many application cycles, I can say that it happens a lot. Every year. Maybe even I did it myself early on.

I think the point buzzn03 makes in #3209 is what I’ve been trying to say…if I can read every post in a MASSIVE thread (thinking of the SPS one at the moment) because I was deeply interested in that school…then yes, I sort of expect others who are also deeply interested in BS to make some effort.

I just googled “boarding schools still accepting applications” and was rewarded with a number of links:

Over the years, I think I’ve been helpful to a number of people on the forum. And I’ll try to continue to be. But I stand by my POV that the forum rewards those who have done their homework.

^ yes, so true. And it also helps to research the various posters’ histories. It doesn’t mean their points are less valid - well, not always --, but it provides a good sense of their “filters”.

Much as I use tripadvisor. … If someone didn’t enjoy a hiking trip because it involved too much walking, probably not a source that is going to move the needle for me.

Similar to my favorite Tripadvisor review: “The amenities here suck.” Ummmmm, it’s a hostel that costs 23 € a night; what were you expecting? =))

I have learned a lot from all of you.Thanks for helping parents that might ask wild questions unintentionally. Hello SevenDad and gardenstategal…

To be clear, my comments were not referring to users who ask a question where the answer is found buried in an 800 page thread. I was referring to the more common repetitive questions like “Will I get rejected for an A-?” or “Can I get into Exeter with an SSAT only in the 97th percentile?”

Skieurope you are my crystal ball and I enjoy your comments all the time. (smile)

We should start a thread called “Ask @skieurope.” However, such a thread would shut down all other use for this board.

@ChoatieMom not if he answers “probably so” or “outlook not good”. Or the best…”concentrate & ask again”. =))

What’s his phrase, “More anecdote is not the plural of data?” Love that one.