Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

The plural of anecdote is not data. :slight_smile:

So now that we got that right, I had to look up the source that turns out to be Raymond Wolfinger (presumably the political scientist from Berkeley). This attribution comes in this 2004 email from Fred Shapiro, editor of the Yale Dictionary of Quotations.

So chalk one up to skieurope and Berkeley (my student’s new alma mater). Yay!

I always want to ask @skieurope how many people he actually is. He’s moderating CC 168 hours a week and also seems to have a life off the screen. I think he may have cloned himself or developed an AI program to simulate his online personality.

“Having been on the forum for many application cycles, I can say that it happens a lot. Every year. Maybe even I did it myself early on.”

It does happen every cycle and one can choose to answer or ignore, IMO. It’s the nature of the beast. And, yes, the search function sucks.

Also, I think it would be better not to call out specific posters/posts on this thread. Not trying to sound like a school marm, just my 2 cents. :slight_smile:

@twinsmama Mind blown! Is @skieurope singular or plural acting as one entitity?

Pretty sure skieurope is female.

Opinion time— do y’all think it’s too early to call schools for informal tours/visits first week of June? Planned a few days for DD to “look” before we help DS move out…I was thinking things at the AO had calmed down enough, but don’t want to if it’s still too early…I’m a planner, so a month in advance is making me a bit anxious…thoughts?

Pretty sure “he’s” not. Or he lies. :wink:



@TomSrOfBoston Huh. That would surprise me… I guess I assumed mail from the avatar…and a few other reasons along the years… but you just never know online!

@buuzn03 Is there another time you can visit? First week of June, students are either gone already or it’s not really a normal time in the school year with grad events and such.

Oh well LOL

We did all our initial visits in the summer. Great time to spend as much time as you like on campus and faculty and administration then have lots more time to spend with you and get to know you and vice versa. You can always revisit in the fall again if you think you need to. June is a great time. I remember bumping into the headmaster at SPS on our tour who walked with us for awhile and chatted with everyone. It was more laid back.

@doschicos. Not really…not and it be affordable or work within school schedules at home. She gets out June 1…she goes back August 15. So, summer is the only time and since I was going the next weekend for move-out, she flies free with me, so I was going to try and squeeze a few visits in. I could do the same thing I did with DS…we just snuck onto campuses…but I’d hoped to at least get a few informal but official visits in. I just didn’t want to call if the admissions offices were going to still be really busy situating new student issues.

They’re already on to the next cycle. It wouldn’t be disruptive.

I think they are past new student issues at this point, so do call. If that is what works for your schedule, then it is what it is. I just think, ideally, it’s better to visit when school is in session and it won’t be for most schools by that date. Faculty might be on campus but many leave once school is out as well. Understandably though, life and schedules are what they are.

@doschicos agreed it’s not ideal, but it will give her a chance to pare down her real list come application time. Then, we will definitely make it a point to see schools in action! There were a few on DSs list that were dropped after seeing the students dynamics, so we know how important that can be…being so far away, though, we are just trying to get a head start.

Like preppedparent, we did a few of our initial visits in the summer…and I second that it gives you the possibility of more quality time with the AOs — at the expense of not seeing school while it’s in session.

FWIW @buuzn03 we toured 6 schools over the summer and at 4 of the schools our tour guide was a student whose parent or parents were faculty members. That has its pro’s and con’s. At one school we hit the jackpot by having the janitor give us a tour! Also at 3 of the schools, there were summer camps/summer programs in session - so we were able to see most of the campus and the dorms (boys and girls). However, one school had younger kids on the campus for a soccer camp and it was kind of crazy because they made a double into a triple for the session. So keep in mind that things may be shifted around for summer programs on campus. Only one school had a lot of buildings closed for summer - but we ended up returning a couple of months later to see it in action. For the schools we applied to, they only did campus tours and not formal interviews during the summer! We had to then interview with an alum, AO at Ten Schools Event, Skype or return later for interviews. So please check on that availability. We did learn that campus tours and summer admissions offices have limited schedules - or different schedules sometimes depending on the day of the week - so check in advance. The good news also was that local hotels and historic inns close to the BS’s were cheaper and actually had availability during the summer :bz …I highly recommend the cornmeal & brown sugar pudding with maple syrup and vanilla ice cream 8->

Plus, touring in the summer gave us the opportunity to check out the local golf courses by the schools and got to see where the teams practice - later in the year it would not have been possible!

It was interesting, I think it was because it WAS in the summer that the AO who met with my rising 8th grader also asked if my rising 6th grader wanted to be interviewed. Maybe it was a slow day. But he asked her if she wanted to come to Choate too someday. He spent a little time with her; I’m sure he wrote up some notes, but the rest is her-story, and both kids matriculated to 3rd form their year to CRH. Of course our youngest also came back for her own personal interview when she was a rising 8th grader, but I think it showed some perseverance and they got to know us as a family which made a huge difference.