Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

preppedparent’s story underscores something I’ve wanted to comment on regarding BS admission and that’s the importance of connections. Not in the “I know a guy who knows a guy” sense of the word…but in the “I liked that person and wouldn’t mind talking to him/her again”. Building a relationship, to the extent that it’s possible.

I recently had an email correspondence with an AO at a BS and this building of relationships definitely came through as a factor that came the difference in one kid getting the nod and another not. FWIW.

Pretty sure you’d be wrong. :smiley:

@buuzn: Check the school calendars, many schools have graduation in early June… I know of at least 2 schools that don’t do admissions visits during that final week before graduation.

If it is exam week, I could see that being the case as well since students aren’t in the position to give tours that week.

@buuzn03 I’m in favor of looking at the calendars first per @cameo43, and then calling the schools per @doschicos with the knowledge of the calendar for each school. We had a similar experience over spring break when we took AppleKid to visit some colleges. For many (most?)schools you book tours/information sessions online and when we tried to do this we found that in some cases spots were already booked, or that nothing was offered on the day we were coming because of exams or other issues, including spring break at one of the colleges. For those schools I called anyway to see if anyone was available to briefly meet with us and we were always encouraged to stop by the admissions office.

^^^ grrr, autocorrect. Not “mail”… but “male”. Had to say that so you would know I am educated! LOL

I thought maybe you did it intentionally given your avatar, @london203. :wink:

I knew skieurope was male, but there are several posters on this thread and on CC in general whose gender I’m still not sure about. Not that it matters, though 8->

We’re all just disembodied brains, so it doesn’t really matter. I do remember guessing wrong about the sorely missed @GMTplus7 and being set straight when she talked about needing a hot dress for some event.

Because I was a Captain in the Army everyone assumes I’m the father parent instead of the mother parent.

Yes!! Unless you have mom or dad in your name…I am always second guessing myself!! And then searching for the one comment you made months back that made me think you were one gender or the other & never finding it. Luckily, I didn’t ever start new threads when my search was futile! =))

Oh! And every school we were going to visit has graduation scheduled the week before we get there. So, it will probably be a few days of traipsing deserted campuses. Oh well!

@buuzn03 If you get back to Choate, hunt for the Kennedy bust my two alumnae donated to Choate. It now sits in the Sally Hart Lodge and Alumni Center. Since everyone will be gone, try to stay right on campus in the Lodge. You get the best views of campus and you could never get in at other times of the year. A fun place to stay.

@doschicos Thanks for the save! You’re the best. :smiley:

I was going to mention that as an example. In fact, I talked about it before:

For the parents at least, I generally default to assuming the user is female, unless they have man/guy/dad/Tom in the username or the avatar is a picture of themselves with a mustache.

I’ve sometimes had to correct other moderators who make the wrong assumption.

We can just use gender neutral pronouns. :slight_smile:

“Did You Just Assume My Gender?” was a trending meme 2016.

Ditto. This allowed us to rule a few schools out without having to invest more precious time (i.e. missing school / work) during the year. Many had official tours that were given typically by day students who lived in the area (so they were local in the summer). Also, almost all the schools allowed us to do an “informal chat” with an admissions officer during the summer. This was great for our kid who got a little experience with the interview process so she was much more relaxed during the “formal interview” during the school year. Note that many schools will have a very limited schedule for admissions during the summer, and some said that they would basically try to accommodate us if possible, but no guarantees.

If you are able to, it’s definitely worth it to try to do summer visits in my opinion…

Well, for a while, @buuzn03’s avatar had an awesome 'stache, but I was able to deduce that she was a mom and the avatar was Freddie Mercury, not her.

I didn’t know what to think about the poster whose avatar was Ron Jeremy… :frowning:

It’s too late to change my handle to “ChoatiePerson.”

And who later changed it to John Holmes. That user is male. As for his choice of avatar, it’s like they say about men with big trucks >:)