Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Especially interesting choice given that this board is mainly for PRE-high school students and families. :0

Am I the only one who had to google those names? And I don’t mean Freddie Mercury.

Spot on with the big trucks comment. The way they drive them as well lets you know they are overcompensating.

It probably reflects more badly on me that I did know those names. :))

Well, you’ll notice he’s not here anymore. :smiley: He’s the reason we added inappropriate avatars to ToS.

I had to google the names too. What is going to happen to my targeted advertising now??? (It had been colleges, boarding schools, and backyard grills.)

I only went with stargirl because I didn’t like the ring of starboy.

I didn’t know who RJ was either until that avatar appeared and its (in)appropriateness was discussed on one of the threads. I cannot say how I am familiar with JH given that “this board is mainly for PRE-high school students and families.” :blush:

I’ve often wondered if the classmate who had shoutouts to both John Holmes and Ron Jeremy on his senior page in the yearbook has ever regretted that choice… :wink:

My history of Google searches: Wesleyan campus tour, Boston weather, Tufts, pre-med, John Holmes and Ron Jeremy. I could always argue my interest in the latter is purely medical. ;:wink:

Hai Prep Parents, I have a question. Not sure whom to ask. Once your child is accepted in one of TSAO schools, is there a policy that we need to get out of wait list from other TSAO schools? Or we are ok to wait on couple of TSAO schools wait list? I understand probability of getting out of wait list is < 0.005%.

I would say don’t worry about Ten Schools Admission Organization. Worry about your student. If your student wants to wait to get into another one of the ten schools, go for it. The WL should benefit the student, not the school.

Thank you PreppedParent, I was notified by current school saying that it is a violation of TSAO policy to remain actively in the wait list of TSAO schools after accepting one of the TSAO schools. I couldn’t find anything on their website. Agree it is the interest of student to be remained in the wait list.

@Jerubbabel19 Did they notify you specifically or was it more of a general notice? I would hate to think that the schools are comparing names…

Ramble alert…summer tour booked! And, yes, most are self-tours…but most AOs will be there to chat, so not all is lost!

@ChoatieMom https://www.sps.edu/page/news-detail?pk=1005781&fromId=224140 ChoatieCadet couldn’t possibly be in this group, could he?

General statement from current school that I am violating some policy by not pulling out from other TSAO wait list schools.

If you’ve committed to one and signed a contract, yes, you are probably violating some policy. I don’t suppose they can do anything about it, but my assumption is that won’t help you with the waitlist school.

In the absence of a letter or a link, it is my opinion that the school is quoting its own preference, which probably violates some TSAO provision.

@GoatMama, no he’s not in that group, but thanks for the link. I hadn’t heard of the Winant Scholars.

Made the drive to campus today to pick up CameoKid’s dorm room stuff… her belongings barely fit into the car, and I left her with a sleeping bag and a duffle bag. After her last final exam on Monday, she is headed to another city with her acappella group, where they will be recording an album. She’s really happy and excited and has had a great year. We are both kind of stunned at how quickly her college freshman year has flown. (And yes, I am still missing her BS… and she is not! LOL) I’m really looking forward to having her home for the summer. She already informed me today that she’ll be returning to campus early to help with freshman orientation week. Sheesh… this year certainly flew by at top speed.