Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>LOL, London! I actually love that idea. I’m not telling PhotoDad - he would do it! Seriously, Cameo- your daughter is the luckiest girl in the world. I love it!!! </p>

<p>I called it a night after PhotoDad started making suggestions like large heart shaped collages made of Amex receipts with his photograph in the center. I’m sure the dog heard more ideas after I left…</p>

<p>I’m going with the popcorn! Thanks so much, London. I’ll probably order some for myself, too. :)</p>

<p>+1 to PhotoDad! ;)</p>

<p>Et tu, PelicanDad? I’m sure you appreciated PD wanting to send a copy of the 2013-14 tuition contract along with the Valentine’s Day card, too! Men!!</p>

<p>You’re a lucky woman, PhotoMom! I have some friends who are married to men with no sense of humor at all. Your hubby sounds hilarious! :)</p>

<p>Hate to interrupt all this silly talk with a practical suggestion, but I just came back from Target with fistfuls of Valentine care package goodies, from mini-chocolove bars and lindt truffle bags to those nasty Runt stick things that my kids always loved, all $1 each and very care packageable. </p>

<p>My kid is also right now addicted to powdered Oregon chai tea (amazon’s got it in packets which he likes because he can take them to res hall or the dorm rooms with hot pots). He says it’s as good as the stuff he gets at the coffee shop. Nice because the milk and sweetener is all powdered, so he just needs hot water. </p>

<p>Now carry on with your heart shaped tuition bills. I need a little frivolity after posting (for the last time I swear!) on that kid wants to stay thread.</p>

<p>Where do you think I was before I started all this frivolity?? I posted on that thread, too!! :)</p>

<p>Classicalmama: I forgot Target is the holy grail of valentines candy. Thanks for the reminder… What is with Runts anyway? Don’t they know Sweetarts trump them anyway? I also gave up on the other thread – incredible thread. Might go down in CC infamy with the laundry thread! :)</p>

<p>Did I mention I was traumatized?</p>

<p>As usual, PhotoMom and I were posting similar comments at the exact same time! We need to meet someday… Am sure we will be best friends! LOL</p>

<p>Pretty sure we were roommates, London! That would be so much fun!</p>

<p>@cameo- Remind me to tell you the story about the note PhotoDad left on a Range Rover windshield taking up FOUR prime parking places at one kid’s school during Parent’s Weekend. It was epic. And yes, he signed it. :)</p>

<p>What do we think of the new makeover? I like it. </p>

<p>Feels a little busy with the CC icon all over. But I love the preview/save draft function. I never saw my mistakes until I posted them before–and nothing was more aggravating that writing a long post, hitting the wrong key by accident and having it all disappear. Hopefully the thumbs up/helpful buttons will work better than the rate the poster thing last year–what a hilarious disaster that was.</p>

<p>The new look will take some getting used to for me. Also, I guess traffic is taxing their servers, because I had a tough time logging in this AM.</p>

<p>I agree with SevenDad. It’s a little messy, but they listened to us when we said we wanted a like button!</p>

<p>Just what I was about to post, but it took me too long to find where to type my reply…</p>

<p>Can anyone see other people’s private messages when they click on a user’s name?</p>

<p>Yes, I noticed that too.</p>

<p>If you go to Forum Home>CC Forum Back Online, you can read about how they are addressing degradation. Looks like they cut over with known functionality issues. Guess we need to be patient, but some of what’s missing (that may remain so) is disturbing, but I do like some of the new features (1-hour edit for instance).</p>

<p>I hope ClassicalMama and I aren’t the only ones to choose profile photos! There’s a certain part of me that would love to connect names with faces, although I am always shocked by how different my imaginings are from the reality. But I wussed out and posted my dogs…</p>