Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>Way too much white space!</p>

<p>Ack! I never meant to post that then lost my edit while looking through the emoticons. I prefer a simple :-). And I will find a nice avatar picture in March if I end up an official member of this forum. Otherwise, I will just slink away.</p>

<p>My simple smiley turned into a twitching emoticon. Sad face.</p>

<p>I don’t like all the white and, like classicalmama, poster names are way too small. The tiny size diminishes the voice and sense of who is speaking. Before, you didn’t have to look to know who was in the room.</p>

<p>We got credit for our cafe posts so that is why the number has jumped.</p>

<p>Agree, names are way too small. And you’d think they could make the stars light up or change color when there’s a new post…Hello? hope someone is listening… :-c </p>

<p>I think the frustration over smaller names will disappear as we get used to everyone’s avatars, if they choose to use one. I was about to upload a picture of June Cleaver, pearls and all, for mine but the warning about “right to use” gave me pause, so I chickened out and uploaded this lame picture of the Choate chapel. Not sure I’m going to keep this one, though. Nice choices here, BTW.</p>

<p>Ok, I’m totally lost as my CC apps on iPad/iPod are forever lost doing “Loading…”
I wonder if I should delete/uninstall them and do reinstall or … get another app.</p>

<p>I love everyone’s profile pics.
I too need to use my reading glasses.</p>

<p>I’ve been using the zoom function on my computer. The font/white background are way too
straining on my old eyes.</p>

<p>The mobile app hasn’t updated in a couple days. It’s weird.</p>

<p>@twinsmama You already are an official member of the forums! Go upload a picture! :)</p>

<p>You guys will have to guess if I am a brussels sprout, piece of sweet potato, or cauliflower floret. I’m not telling!</p>

<p>There’s a like button! I like that!</p>

<p>Is it me, or have less people posted since the update?</p>

<p><a href=“Titanic extended Video - And The Band Played On - YouTube”>Titanic extended Video - And The Band Played On - YouTube;

<p>I could swear that you’re able to see other people’s PM’s since the update.</p>

<p>@stargirl3 - not yet. But that will give me time to find a good picture that I’m allowed to use. It is surprisingly hard to do!</p>

<p>@thacherparent it did have a limited view of pms but now I think it has been fixed to just show recent activity. I hope they fix that! I’m getting used to this on the iPad but it is horrible on my phone. And the white and small print is hard on my eyes as well. I think if the print were bigger and had more contrast in borders it would be a bit easier. I do like the new functions though! And it seems some things that were buggy before are now fixed. </p>

<p>@twinsmama I’m glad I consider myself a photographer! It gives me some good options. </p>

<p>I was looking for something twin-related that didn’t show my own twins (or anyone else’s). Tricky. Maybe I’ll use some vegetables too!</p>

<p>For iPad, using Invert colors (settings General> accessibility> invert colors) helps with too much white problems.<br>
It also turns the profile pics too cool colors :slight_smile:
But it doesn’t solve tiny letters problem. ;(</p>

<p>My sister accused me of being Wallace Hartley during a family dispute recently and sent me the video posted above… Just my attempt at a little levity. I think I’ve adjusted to the site (and like it), but the jury is still out on my eyes… I also love everyone’s profile pics- they’re a lot of fun! </p>