Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>My daughter went to the semi formal dance with someone - not going out, just fun. The only way I found out she had a date at all, was through Twitter! LOL I think it more likely I will find out any details as we go along via friends rather than direct contact! So it hasn’t happened yet, but am assuming we will go the Witness Protection route…</p>

<p>I hear about relationships after they’re over. If I’m visiting and DD goes to great pains to keep me from having any contact with other kids then I figure she’s in the middle of a relationship.</p>

<p>Andover has a Twitter account dedicated to people eating bananas in Commons. I think this makes me like them more. @PAbananas, if you want to check them out.</p>

<p>Yeah, but do these Andover banana eaters tell their parents who they’re dating? That’s what I want to know!</p>

<p>CK is not effusive, but not secretive either. He told me last week that a young lady has asked him to the First Hurrah (Choate’s equivalent of Junior Prom). The kids decided to do it Sadie Hawkins-style this year. He didn’t give many details, but he did bring it up. Since freshman year, his biggest complaint with the dating scene is how many girls’ fathers seem to have a no-dating policy. Apparently, some dads send their daughters to BS for an education and not drama and heartbreak. Lighten up dads.</p>

<p>I read somewhere to teach kids to blame parents in peer pressure situations to stay cool with friends. “I’d go with you but mom would kill me if I did blah blah.” “I’d go out with you but my dad will kill me if he finds out.” sounds like a perfect example of that. ;)</p>

<p>“Apparently, some dads send their daughters to BS for an education and not drama and heartbreak. Lighten up dads.” LOL. Exactly. Where would we be if there were no drama and heartbreak during adolescence!?</p>

<p>Hate to say it, CM, but I agree with payn4ward - even if their dads forbade dating, if the girls wanted to go out with someone they would!</p>

<p>Giant snowstorm heading into Colorado - perhaps up to 3 feet in the mountains overnight. Of course, I’m supposed to be flying to Boston tomorrow - to meet D, who is flying in from her school to meet me, so I can take her to on-campus college auditions Friday and Saturday! I’m leaving to drive to the airport before the storm hits up here, and spending the night in an airport hotel. Please send good thoughts for a: I make it to Boston; b: she makes it to Boston; and c: the grace to figure everything out if a and b don’t happen!</p>

<p>Safe travels mountain hiker. Storm has hit in Wyoming. Not too bad but lets see what we get tonite.</p>



<p>Of course, that’s the first thing we told him, but it seemed to be biggest gripe of all the freshman boys. The girls have lightened up with each passing year, but oh how the boys do moan. OTOH, senior year appears to be no holds barred. ;)</p>

<p>Ditto safe travels to mountainhiker and everyone else who is dealing with treacherous weather.</p>

<p>Safe travels to mountainhiker and mountain daughter! Be prepared and creative when needed! </p>

<p>I’ll be a freshman next year… freshmen date… this realization is frightening. Uh-oh. :D</p>

<p>My mom is my best friend, my biggest problem will be finding the time to give her a blow-by-blow of my day. Email? Voice memo? </p>

<p>Save travels Mountainhiker! ChoatieMom- that’s hilarious that they turned First Hurrah into a Sadie Hawkins style dance. Tell ChoatieKid to wait just one more year- all those shy “not allowed to date” girls turn quite aggressive senior year! The stories are still trickling out a couple of years later LOL</p>

<p>Mountain hiker, I hope you both arrive Boston safely and without major delays.
Stargirl, CameoKid and I try to text before lights out most nights, just to check in. We are very close, too… And she calls me sometimes during her free periods during the day… I very much miss hearing her voice on a regular basis!</p>


<p>BSR: He’s waiting… He can’t wait for some of those stories to finally be his. Maybe I better stroll over to the worry thread.</p>

<p>PelicanDad - BU and Emerson, she’s a theatre gal!</p>

<p>Thanks to all for your good wishes. What a day! No problems for me - arrived Boston with no issues, on time. D was another story. Flights in/out of the tiny airport by her BS were either cancelled, or delayed to the point that there would be no way to make connections to Boston. Solution? 2.5 hour cab ride to the next-closest airport - sprinting through the terminal to barely catch the new flight - only to sit on the runway for 30 minutes due to crazy snow/wind. FINALLY got out - just made her connection - and she should be arriving here in Boston within 30 minutes. Wheww – this winter travel is not for the faint of heart! </p>

<p>As we were texting back and forth while she was sitting on the runway, so close but yet so far from getting where she needed to be, I could tell the stress was finally getting to her. One of her audition monologues involves a young woman facing a personal tragedy, feeling helpless and hopeless. I advised her to try and channel those feelings into her audition preparation. She did have the grace to actually laugh at her mom’s attempts to cheer her up!</p>

<p>Stargirl, my D gives me her blow by blow via messenger, text and snap chat. </p>

<p>Photographer mom, the weirdest part of kids at BS is not knowing their friends, romantic or otherwise. It’s especially weird when yours was the house that everyone hung out at. But i get details from both son and daughter. Lots and lots of details. :confused: But it’s ok. Who else are they gonna go to for advice? Their friends don’t have any more experience than they do.</p>

<p>And mountainhiker, one of my best friend’s daughter is your daughter’s suite mate! I’m sending her a little care package today so if you want me to tuck anything in for her, let me know. And good luck on the audition! </p>