Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>You guys know each other? I’m confused. X_X </p>

<p>So many schools have an area of grass where you’re not supposed to walk!</p>

<p>Groton: The Circle
Deerfield: Senior Grass
Emma Willard: Senior Triangle</p>

<p>Neato - it’s a small world indeed! Would you plz send her a dark chocolate bar - her favorite indulgence! She will be SO surprised!</p>

<p>The central walkway down the Grubbs quad at Loomis is also reserved for seniors only. Ah, traditions.</p>

<p>Oh darnit, i already mailed it. There is a cadbury milk in there though, which im sure will be shared, along with an assortment of silly silly things. </p>

<p>Stargirl, we know another just through cc.</p>

<p>Well. I am trying to like this new design for CC. I just don’t feel all warm/fuzzy anymore. It doesn’t feel like the same community. Maybe I am crazy. Wait - don’t answer that. :slight_smile: It just feels stark and seems way to hard to "check in "… </p>

<p>London: I agree. I still don’t care for this interface, and I’m still playing around with avatars. I’m going to start a “Discuss Your Avatar” thread in the café so we can talk about our choices as we move through them trying to find something that sticks.</p>

<p>I liked your chapel! It took me a minute to realize who you are. </p>

<p>I’m happy to see the “kid wants to stay” thread has slowed down. I don’t want to comment on it because, at this point, it looks like the OP just wants entertainment. After the first page I thought it was a ■■■■■. Now I think it’s worst than that, sad.
Now on a nice note, I like the new profile pictures our cc friends are adding. I would post the doggie that my handle is named after but my kids may ID me. So I stay incognito X_X </p>

<p>Oh, muf… If only I had read your post before I posted my comment… </p>

<p>Oh, preppy dog avatars! I love that idea!</p>

<p>This is the therapy thread after the ulcer inducing thread. I don’t know why that thread keep coming up >:P </p>

<p>@photomom’s comment reminded me… Years ago when my kiddo was doing Pinewood Derby, after losing many times by parent produced sleek cars with kid produced sticker decorated cars, one dad declared “Next year I’m going to spend $10,000 on it and we will win!” Well, I didn’t get to see his masterpiece as his kid quit cubscout soon after. Mine persevered and eventually we won a trophy once, my skills over the years improved quite a bit - sawing, sanding, spray painting, wheel aligning, weight positioning, graphite lubing skills - joy of parenting.</p>

<p>People, please stop pushing the aggravating thread to the top.</p>

<p>I think that if money is concern then they should stop tutoring. If the kid with tutoring can’t get the desired grades, As or A/Bs or ABCs or whatever, then the kid is in the wrong school. If they wanted straight As and hypsm outcome, they probably had better chances at a hidden gem. But the ship has sailed. Why rock the ship at the midpoint of journey. Just my own opinion. Everyone is entitled to theirs. </p>

<p>Aaaaa…you guys made me look at that thread again! Have you noticed that most of the “in support” posters are non-boarding school parents? They must be picking the thread up from the main board on CC. It interests me that those posters seem to share that boarding school=Ivy admit–or why else would you do something so expensive?–mindset.</p>

<p>Now, for me, no more looking at OR posting about that aggravating thread. As a person who teaches argument, I should no better than to jump into the fray of an argument built on an unsound premise. </p>

<p>@payn4ward, That is so funny you mentioned pine wood derby. I just ran across a box of pictures while cleaning out a closet. I found this adorable picture of S in his cute little scout uniform, chubby cheeks and all, proudly holding his derby car. I do remember that event being more important to the dads than the boys. I wish they had honored an award for slowest car, that would have been us.</p>

<p>muf and payn- Remember this? <a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube;

<p>Wasn’t it called Down and Derby or something else? I typed in Pinewood Derby movie and this came up. Anyway- very funny movie! :slight_smile: Brings back many fun memories…</p>