Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>I didn’t see this movie, but yes, it was very much like that in real life. :))
Ours once too was the slowest car probably because I dropped it from kitchen counter and messed up the wheel alignment. X_X </p>

<p>Perhaps we can pin this thread at the top??
Anyways, any Destination Imaginers ? Odyssey of the Minders?
I’ll save that story for later. </p>

<p>So apparently, even with an hour to edit, I cannot write a CC post without making at least one spelling error. Know, not no. </p>

<p>Nothing drove me nuttier as a mama than classicalpapa’s “help” with those pinewood derby cars. I have to admit that some of the designs were pretty creative–the little stuffed monkey clinging to the banana car was my favorite. Still, I rubbed it in relentlessly when my oldest son did his last one completely on his own…and won the derby against all the other dads’…umm…kids’ slick cars.</p>

<p>Pinewood derby car avatars? Anyone in? </p>

<p>Oh, I remember those days, too. Lots of buzzing and sawing and weighing and “football” words thrown around. Can’t say I miss that one.</p>

<p>@classicalmama Here you go. I’m really outing myself to my local troop and district X_X
This is the 10th and last Derby car in my household which also won a trophy.

of children > 1

We started beveling to make a chocolate bar shape but then it became better shaped for a gold bar.</p>

<p>Anyone else? </p>

<p>I think CK just threw them away after the races. I know I never took a picture. :(</p>

<p>Classical: that is the cutest little car ever. Keep that avatar!!</p>

<p>I looked everywhere but sadly I couldn’t find photos of our cars. Boo!! Payn and classical- I love your cars!! They’re awesome!!</p>

<p>RuralKid still has an unused metal derby car undercarriage sitting on his shelf. It is probably time to donate it to a good home.</p>

<p>The monkey on banana is so cute!!!
I’m a pack rat/hoarder and we probably have all 10 cars somewhere gathering dust. </p>

<p>Not meant to exclude parents of girls…
Time to break open those scout microwave popcorns and fresh batch of girlscout cookies - samosa and thin mints.
What’s your favorite GS cookie?</p>

<p>I don’t eat Girl Scouts, I’m not a cannibal! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Thin mints. Hands down. From the freezer. </p>

<p>Yes! They are best from the freezer. Yum-o!!</p>

<p>And PLEASE stop reminding me that the “kid wants to stay” thread is still active. I forget about it, then am reminded of it – then I go read the latest, and get my blood pressure back up! Aaarrgghhh. :)</p>

<p>Okay, London, now you reminded ME, so I’m just going to have to head to the basement freezer where I hide the thin mints to keep myself from clicking on that dang thread. </p>

<p>Calgon, take me away…</p>

<p>Payn4ward - DI is big in my town so we have gone to a few tournaments. S1 was on a school team one year (not the best experience for him - team didn’t gel, they kept voting on which challenge to do, and ended up with one which wasn’t the one he wanted - it was in elementary school). </p>

<p><a href=“Map: 'How Much Snow It Typically Takes to Cancel School in the U.S.' - The Atlantic”>Map: 'How Much Snow It Typically Takes to Cancel School in the U.S.' - The Atlantic;

<p>There’s no annotation on the map for: NEVER closes because of snow</p>