Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>I have wicked Cabin Fever. I’ve run out of rooms to paint. I know there are many Sherlock fans out there and I was wondering: Was anyone else (pleasantly) surprised that Mary Watson is an assassin? And is it me or is Downton exceptionally boring this season? </p>

<p>Downton is boring (compared to Breaking Bad which I am horrified I watched), but I will continue with it because I love the escape.</p>

<p>PhotographerMom: happy coincidence: I have many rooms still needing paint!</p>

<p>Do you watch Sherlock? By the way, I’m a huge Breaking Bad fan, too!! </p>

<p>London- I would be up in the attic right now (trying to straighten up that colossal mess) but I’m convinced there are critters living among us… and I am one big chicken. </p>

<p>We watched Seasons 1-3 of Downton since October (ending after Season 4 started and we both saw a big spoiler before we got to the end of Season 3!). I think it is a little slower, but was thinking it was because we watched so many of Season 1-3 so close together. </p>

<p>Downton lost me in the first episode this season. I had been very excited to watch it and was completely addicted last year, but I lost interest after half an hour this time around. Upstairs Downstairs it is not.</p>

<p>Sherlock Season 1&2 is on Netflix. I love how Season 3 is unfolding… and often wonder why Hollywood can’t get their act together. I’m all ears if someone wants to recommend a program/series. </p>

<p>I just watched all the Miss Fisher series on Netflix. Fluffier than other mysteries but good fun. I had read a few of the books and happened upon the TV series. </p>

<p>If you were a Morse fan, the Inspector Lewis series was well done.</p>

<p>Has SevenDad left the building? Thanks, London! Fluffier works for me and I’ve heard Inspector Lewis is awesome!</p>

<p>According to this cookbook from 1959 : If it doesn’t have pimento, water chestnuts and a crushed potato chip topping… it’s not a casserole. I did not know that. Anyone else read cookbooks before a snowstorm? I’m so tempted to try a crazy retro recipe. Did I mention that I’m bored out of my mind and I have wicked cabin fever? </p>

<p>Haha. PhotoMom. My cabin fever manifests itself by lying on the sofa. Wish I could get your version – I have LOADS of projects to do here. :)</p>

<p>I have also started re-watching all the Inspector Morse shows… in order. Funny when you go back to something years later. Netflix rocks. </p>

<p>Check out The Forsyte Saga on Netflix, too. We watched it during the last snowstorm and it was pretty good. :)</p>

<p>@ ChoatieMom, I also couldn’t get enough of Breaking Bad</p>

<p>Love Sherlock, still watching Downton though bored-- has anyone tried True Detective? Kind of creepy, but really amazing acting. If you do it, make sure you watch the 2nd one, even if the first doesn’t pull you in.</p>

<p>I’m still alive!</p>

<p>Just tied up with various and sundry commitments and restraining myself from posting things I shouldn’t (all these kids worrying about M10, sheesh!). FYI, we love Sherlock (wife and kids included) here at Chez Seven. IMO, the “wedding” ep from this year’s season was one of the best in the series. Going to miss that one when it goes off the air.</p>

<p>We are in a very interesting vortex of the non-polar sort (well that too…state of emergency here due to ice storm last night) where one daughter’s BS applications are all done and another’s college search is just warming up. Strange to think that there’s a very good chance we could be empty nesters come September.</p>

<p>As you know… Photokids left home for JBS at a young age. I remember a lot of people saying: It will feel like a second Honeymoon!! You’ll feel like a newlywed again!! (wink. wink.) Friends left voicemails: “You guys are probably…”</p>

<p>Yeah. NO.</p>


<p>We got married (or rather, stayed married!) and had kids earlier than most of our friends, some of which have toddlers — so it’s a very weird thing for us. Honestly, I’m a bit tired of rural home ownership and seriously considering moving into a apt/condo in one of the quaint towns in our area. No snow plowing, no septic issues, etc. The kids, of course, blanch at the thought of selling the homestead…which for all its draftiness, has its charms.</p>

<p>7D, I hear you… I am restoring an 1820s farmhouse cottage , a project that occupies all my free time now that CameoKid is at BS. And I am learning that everything takes twice as long (at least) and costs twice as much (at least) as you think it will… and I am also learning that I am no Bob Vila. Or even Martha, for that matter.</p>