Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Sorry to disrupt the happy hour chat (I myself just bought Nick and Nora glasses this past weekend!)

But can I ask about school dances? Proms? Boy/girl friend culture? How do kids learn to drive? Get haircuts?! Not sure which thread to ask this on.

@nan415 - I think the reason you are not getting an answer to these questions is because it is not a global answer. These are questions that would be very very specific to each school. I would suggest asking the question on the threads that apply to the schools you are considering. ie. if Deerfield – go to the “ask me anything about Deerfield” thread

Good luck

I think the question is general enough that a general answer can be posted. Specifics are best left to after M10.

Haircuts in town. Drivers ed at home over the summer, although some do locally. Yes there are dances, and some students attend dances at the LPS, as well.

Maine Brewing Company Post Ride Snack is my beer of choice, followed by their Lunch.

I guess so, but some schools do not have prom. Some do provide driver’s ed. The boy/girl culture apparently is VERY different at various schools. And with COVID – there are no in-town haircuts.

But nan had asked this question on a different thread, as well, but received no response…so my guess was that it was because they are questions that cannot be accurately answered unless we know what school is being referred to…

@ Choate, according to 2 boy students…

School dancers were occasional and fun by report. Don’t know about prom.

Hook-up culture. Sounds like all BSs are so, and likely all LPSs.

Learn to drive at home on breaks. No rush. Just want to get it done before college.

Did someone say Choate? It woke me up from the dregs of COVID and I am rising to the occasion. I responded to a post on another thread about haircuts, dances and dating. FWIW, one of the best social experiences is Choate Day. Unfortunately, it was a mock Choate Day with students representing both schools at Deerfield. We did keep the spirit and Kiddo represented Choate. We ordered Choate gear from the store - including Choate face masks. Nice! We have extra’s if anyone wants some. Hopefully, we will not need those next year! :hugs:

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TGIF (it has been a very crazy week, topped off with one vaccination)…which calls for pizza night with cocktails. Back to the cocktail party, please…This time with your favorite pizza toppings (we will be making our own at home, so can include whatever we like) and cocktail pairing! Maybe I can get some inspiration from y’all! :pizza: :pizza: :tropical_drink: :tumbler_glass:

Friday is pizza night here, too, @buuzn03. I made sauce this morning and let it sit in a bowl on the counter all day giving it a stir when I think about it. I’ll make the dough around 4:30, and we’ll enjoy cocktails while it rises. Around six, DH and I will each toss our own and top with whatever we feel like. I always put out mozzarella, pesto, mushrooms, green peppers, thinly sliced roma tomato, and sliced black olives, but DH sometimes adds pepperoni and artichoke hearts, and I sometimes add thinly sliced onions. Then, onto the grill (pizza steel) they go.

I am a pizza purist. I will not indulge anyone’s perversion for ham, pineapple, taco toppings, etc. I even look askance at the artichoke hearts, but what can I do? It’s probably not worth divorcing over.


Cocktails → pizza and beer.

And NO abominable combinations of toppings.

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I usually do traditional sauce - pepperoni, sliced garlic, jalapeno and onion (yes, I need breath mints after). BUT I also LOVE pesto…

Sadly, @DroidsLookingFor , Beer is out of the question.

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I have no objection to your toppings (though jalapeño is on the line!)

Re: beer - is it a gluten thing?

I’m allergic to malt

You can’t do malted shakes either, @buuzn03? That’s tragic.

(I can’t do beer but only because it’s an abomination.)

Interesting! And sorry to hear it.

This may get me banned from the thread…

If you take your “traditional” hawaiian, and add cream cheese and jalapenos or pepper jelly, that really spruces it up!

We do a lot of pita pizzas. Especially when all 6 of us are here, then it allows for things like the one above without causing a revolt. My wife makes good pitas, then we just let everyone load them up however they want and toss 2 at a time under the broiler for a few minutes.

Quite a bit of chicken on homemade alfredo sauce, then maybe more garlic, sometimes pepperoni or jalapenos. That one is better with bacon than pepperoni, but usually we don’t bother to make bacon too so it only works if there happens to be some leftover cooked bacon to crumble up.

If you are going with a traditional red sauce and want wine, a fruity red.

How can someone with the good taste to drink Angel’s Envy hate beer? :grinning:

You must be drinking the wrong beer.

I’m afraid we have to ban you @dadof4kids. Such a shame, because I really liked you. But a line is a line. We have standards here.


All beer is wrong. I tolerate my beer-drinking friends with my special stein:


I think we need to mark this thread with a warning:


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