Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Ok, I think I understand how you all feel about pineapple on pizza. It’s like I feel about @ChoatieMom not liking beer. I guess will give @buuzn03 a pass, although I would highly recommend another specialist, and then see if maybe some desensitization shots are in order. I can tell from your other posts that you have good taste, which is why I’m trying to help.

I had to clear some time to get this fixed. You are drinking the wrong beer.

Since I can’t give you my favorite “beer for people who don’t like beer” because it is only available locally, here is one that taste even less like beer that many beer lovers don’t appreciate.

Probably more wine-like than beer-like. They have different ones, any of the fruit ones are fine, I’m particular partial to the kriek (cherry) but the raspberry is the easiest to find. All beers of this style are made in the same region, and they use natural yeast so it matters. I think it’s about 75x15 miles in Belgium but not sure exact size. You can get them without the fruit too, but that’s kind of an aquired taste. Although again, a lambic doesn’t really taste anything like any other beer, so maybe that’s a good thing.

Don’t just get a random fruit beer, some are good but none like this and most are just beer with a bunch of extra sugar and some fruit flavor.

Sidenote: Alcohol distribution laws are confusing and stupid, but that’s another complaint for another day. I have a friend who owns a successful brewery, but he says there is a large production gap where he would actually make less money to produce more. The volume needed to pay for all of the extra permits and distributrion agreements to cross state lines just does not make sense unless he could go from current production to more than double overnight. So he’s stuck being kinda successful with a great product and no way to get it to 95% of the US unless he makes a massive gamble that would bankrupt him if it doesn’t work. I think he has one bordering state but I’m not sure about even that.

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I cannot do malted shakes or Whoppers candy…I can do regular shakes, though…which I tend to quite often. I LOVE ice cream

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OMG @dadof4kids I think my DD would LOVE that pizza. She normally eats hawaiian with jalapeno. But using cream cheese as a sauce (and we actually have jalapeno cream cheese in the house for bagels), I think that might become her new go-to pizza! THANKS!

I actually still use regular sauce, but put dollops of cream cheese on the pizza, like you see with ricotta on white pizza. But cream cheese base probably works too!

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Pineapple belongs in a smoothie or on a toothpick at a party fruit tray. Not on pizza.

@dadof4kids Banned indeed. For toppings and for false notions of crust. Pizza on a pita is a fancy open-faced sandwich. Sigh. I had such hopes for us becoming besties IRL after our daughters pick the same school. What a shame. Well, @buuzn03 I’m counting on you to be my pizza buddy.

And of course, while I kid, the real joke is that I am gluten-free so I couldn’t be anyone’s pizza buddy and I make cauliflower crust, so I cannot point fingers. And, I’ve been sober for 23 years so I’d stick to coke (ideally from Mexico with real cane sugar, in a glass bottle – if only to prove my classy, refined palate to you good folks).

Raspberry beer – reminds me of my study-abroad days back in college, living in France with a Belgian roommate named Veronique. Wild times. (see above re: sobriety.). :slight_smile:


And on pizza. Hawaiian. Yum!!!

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Well, @Calliemomofgirls , to allay your fears - I do NOT condone pineapple on pizza and my DD hears about it every time she eats it. But, she is a child and does not know any better (or so I tell her just to make her snarl at me).

AND, the virtual cocktail is about as close as I get to one. (Did I mention that my user name has NOTHING to do with alcohol, despite many poster’s assumptions?) Not for any other reason than I don’t like the way alcohol tastes or makes me feel in my old age. I think the last time I had alcohol was about 2 sips of wine at a company dinner because I felt as though I needed to for presentation sake. A true Mexican real cane sugar coke is definitely a drink of choice for me-- We will virtually drive everyone home after this cocktail party. :taxi:

In addition, one of my fave people (one of my right hand nurses) is gluten-free and could tell you all about the best cauliflower crusts to be had. I won’t indulge, but I wish you the best option with your restrictions!

@dadof4kids I will definitely have DD try this cream cheese deal out (although she said she was just going to have salad tonight). I’ll let you know!

I’m not sure what it says about me (nothing good) but I am always genuinely surprised to find people I get along with so well online don’t drink alcohol. I don’t really drink in excess (my college self would laugh at my middleaged self) but I do find that alcoholic drinks are one of the little indulgences that I give myself. And I’m not drinking to get drunk anymore (that really rarely happens mostly because I am not willing to deal with a hangover anymore) but I just really enjoy many different drinks. I would probably be 300 pounds if I didn’t drink at all, because I would probably replace it with chocolate.

I try to be lower carb, and if I could get the rest of my family to go along with it would be very low carb but it’s hard when there are always carbs served for dinner and a cupboard full of carby snacks. I’ve not had great luck with cauliflower crust, but if either of you would care to share a brand or recipie I would love to give them another shot. My wife really needs to be low carb (diabetes) but I haven’t found any she is ok with.

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I own a vodka brand, and your friend is 100% right. Each time you enter a new market you need a LOT of money – as much as possible, but several hundred thousand at a minimum. That’s why little guys start brands (or distilleries/breweries) hoping, for most of them, to get bought out by big companies with the deep pockets to take the brand regional, or national.

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@dadof4kids, trust me, since college days I’ve had every type of beer, non-beer, not your father’s beers, sort of beer, you’ll-definitely-like-this-one-beer, you’ve-never-tried-anything-like-this-beer, lambics, hey-we’re-in-Dublin-try-a-real-Guinness, and otherwise shoved at me. I’m game to sip them all, but they all end up in my napkin. The idea of a fruity beer is plain abhorrent; why not just have a wine cooler (while you’re listening to WHAM and straightening your shoulder pads with your fingerless lace gloves)? I did manage to down a Mike’s hard lemonade once, does that count?

I think @cinnamon1212 should pull up a stool and tell us more about her distillery. I believe she provided a link to her operation over on the big board a long while back.
Perhaps she can share again. :smiley:


We all have our indulgences @dadof4kids ! Mine used to be Starbucks (hold on to your hat- I don’t drink coffee, either). I’m not sure what it is now-- I think I need a new one. My problem with alcohol these days is I can’t even finish a drink without my heart going into a dysrhythmia…so I just don’t bother. I’d rather not drink than have to take a medication daily. So, I rather enjoy hearing all that y’all prefer to imbibe in. It is a “virtual tasting”, so to speak.
And, TBH, my coworkers/friends would probably say it is for the best. I don’t need alcohol to get wound up…LOL.
I’ll ask my friend about the cauliflower crust thing. I know she thinks Blaze Pizza has one of the best cauliflower crusts she’s had. I’m not sure if you have access to it (we do not-- we have to go on vaca to get it).

I was only skimming this thread since I can’t drink but Blaze Pizza oh my god. They opened up a place at the mall last year or so and I highly recommend. Favorite pizza place ever. I haven’t tried cauliflower crusts though…


It’s been a few years since we had the conversation, and I was heavily supporting his product that afternoon, so I don’t remember the exact conversation, but I think he did say several hundred thousand, which blows my mind. Meanwhile most European countries I could send my kid up to the counter to grab me a beer and no one would care. They also have lower alcoholism rates, but we wouldn’t want facts to get in the way of a good moralistic law.

I’m curious about your vodka. I’m not a vodka expert particularly, but when I’m not obsessing about college (and now prep school) admissions alcoholic beverages is my other compulsive hobby. Do you mind sharing what it is, and what state(s) you distribute in? I’m always more interested in a product if I know someone behind it. If you would rather PM (or just not share) for privacy no worries.

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OMG! You just made me realize we have not brought music to this party. DJ, let’s start with Wham and Wake Me Up! Meanwhile, I am going to go change into my Z Cavariccis and man’s blazer with about 5000 bangle bracelets. Oh and where is my Aqua Net and teasing comb?


Oh no, now you’ve done it, @buuzn03. As you know, Bee Gees for me. All that hair, tight pants, and crazy cool medallions.


Did you ever see such a gorgeous man? I can tell I’m getting nothing done today.

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Ok, you don’t have to like lambics (you are wrong, but moving on). But this is not a typical fruit beer, or god forbid some abomination like Redds Apple Ale. This is a high quality product well beyond the palate of your regular Miller Lite drinker. Comparing it to a regular fruit beer is like comparing Kentucky Gentleman to your Angel’s Envy or the Blanton’s I saw sitting next to it. And Mike’s hard lemonade? If you will pardon the political incorrectness, I didn’t know adults drank that, I thought that was just for creepy guys trying to get coeds drunk.


Now you’re talkin’ smack, @dadof4kids, and getting into the intended groove of this thread. Your ban is lifted. :sunglasses:


Pineapple on pizza: :face_vomiting:
Wine: :heart_eyes:
Beer: :yum:
Froo froo 80’s mixed cocktails: :partying_face:
Fancy booze: :alien:


Except that I am too old. If it weren’t for my pandemic stress drinking forcing me to ignore unfortunate side effects, I wouldn’t drink at all.


Blaze is the best!!

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I was always in love with the younger brother, Andy…sigh

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