Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Loving Dix Pour Cent and Phoebe Bridgers - thank you for the recommendations!


So funny about the grease. We (finally) found a legit good NY style pizza place here (N of Boston) and one of the things we love about it is the pool of grease that drips out once you fold the crust. it was extremely authentic.


I went to a family NY wedding a few years back. When everyone arrived for the rehearsal dinner, each table had a huge pizza already on it - I guess for an appetizer? It was awesome.

I texted a picture of ours to my very homesick NY colleague, just to make him jealous.


Today is my DD3’s Heart Day!

One year ago today she went in for open heart surgery.

You all were such a support to me since she didn’t want a lot of local folks to know about it until the day of surgery. (She didn’t want to be “the heart patient” at school.)

Just before getting wheeled back, she read through a jar of notes that friends and family had written her. Just notes of love and support.

Tonight at our celebratory dinner, I’m going to give her another mason jar with notes of love and support.

Do you want to contribute?

Send me a DM with a little note and I’ll cut and paste and print it out for the jar.

Even thought you don’t know DD3 personally (yet! who knows what next year will bring with M10!), she will love getting a high five.

It was a hard time but we can do hard things. Those notes gave her a smile right before the storm. And knowing you have a community helps so much. Xxxooo to you all for managing to become real friends on the internet!


I’m so happy DD is happy and healthy!


Not to take away from CallieGirl’s big day-- but we are having Nacho Pizza tonight. It is part of our box-meal…so I will report on it’s goodness (or badness) tomorrow.
Actually - CallieMom-- we are having NachoPizza to celebrate CallieGirl’s day! We will follow up with ice cream in her honor!


Nachos + pizza in one place just makes good sense, @buuzn03.

Tonight’s Nacho Pizza. It was pretty good. On top of that, we added sour cream, lettuce, green onion and avocado (the avocado was our idea, it wasn’t included in the box). We also used extra salsa.


So not to take away from the nacho-skillet-pizza situation.

But did anyone need to hear that there are Birkenstocks on Costco.com today?

I think I missed my shot for the mason jar. :cry:. So glad your daughter is well and thriving. Happy anniversary!!!


Just a recent discovery-- Everything Bagels with jalapeño cream cheese and extra Everything Bagel spice on top has become a game changer for me.

What’s your favorite bagel creation?

Oh-- and yes- I am trying to distract myself from the nonsense posts about M10, which is right around the corner.


Sorry, no bagels here. Neither DH nor I care for them. Donuts OTOH are a different story.

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@ChoatieMom I LOVE LOVE LOVE donuts–but I can’t stop at one. Or three. SO, I don’t eat them often. My favorite are Shipley’s glazed and they are building one less than a mile from our house, so this could be bad for me. They may create a giant fluffy buuzn monster. LOL


Same here, @buuzn03. I never buy them, but I will occasionally make baked apple cider donuts:

We love freshly glazed yeast (not cake) donuts. DH has thing for apple fritters, and I look longingly at the Boston cremes and jelly-filled but pinch my waist as I do so. Sigh.

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Two things to add:

  1. EBTB seasoning makes everything better. It is probably my most used spice jar item. We buy it at Costco in the huge jar and go through it scarily quickly.
  2. Cake donuts are muffins with a hole. That’s my take and I stick to it.

I agree. They can’t compare to yeasty, fried donuts and are a very poor substitute.

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My morning thus far:

Found a tube of henna in the washing machine, post-cycle

My eight year old is belting “take off the shackles” from Mary Poppins while he does housework

My 11 yo is fiercely lecturing him about his white male privilege and oppression of women

My husband who is teaching graduate students virtually was able to make a vaccine appointment before me, when I am currently undergoing immunotherapy, totally immune compromised, and on massive steroids with lung mets.

Not amused.

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^no emoji for this one!

I found “hugs”

That was hugs?!
I literally thought it was jazz hands.

Sorry for the morning @SweetBoy1 .