Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Yes, then a chuckle and hugs!

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It’s posts like this that remind me of the perks of living alone…


I totally thought that was jazz hands as well…

Everything else sounds par for the course this year (this year being March 2020-now). But the 8 year old is helping do housework? If it’s a problem, send him over here, he can sing whatever he wants as long as he is working!


@ChoatieMom one of DS’s friends from grade school was just appointed and will be a part of West Point’s riflery team. Her mom had these cookies made for the celebration! Aren’t they phenomenal?


I would feel guilty eating those. That is some impressive frosting work!


So, DD had auditions this weekend for the Spring production. She’s coming out every hour and asking if anything has been posted, yet. I guess this is just practice for M10?!?!


Mine has been asking me daily which volleyball team she made last weekend, and I kept telling her they hadn’t posted it yet (she was guaranteed a spot, but there are ABCD teams). I just checked a new place and can see it was posted. Probably Monday. Oops. They don’t start practice until March 11, so no harm done.


Well, our Spring semester just got much busier. DD was cast in the Spring production and rehearsals start Wednesday. So much for relaxing the rest of the year. :flushed:


WOOOHOOOO!!! this is great news @buuzn03!! also, let’s talk about those cookies that are absolutely ART.

@dadof4kids this could totally have been me too.

And for my weekend-in-pajamas-misc-rambling:
I’m floored by how many people show up to a community (any community, but maybe also including an online board), and the first thing they do is ask a major favor (like a very detailed chance me) and then disappear. Am I wrong to feel like: hey maybe give back a little? Ideally, give back before asking the favor, but if something makes that impossible, then at least give back after the favor. (This is not directed at anyone in particular. Just a general comment on life: some folks are just takers, and it almost seems as they don’t even realize that they are swooping in, TAKE-TAKE-TAKE, and then POOF, off they go.)


That’s part of why I still follow the athletic recruiting board. I feel like I OWE the universe for all the help I received. I can’t pay those people back, most of the ones who helped me with S19 have kids with real jobs by now. But I can help the ones still coming up.

I guess after M10 I’ll owe a bit here too. So I will probably stick around a bit. Not that I am that easy to get rid of…


I keep hoping that by ignoring all chance-me posts that board will go away. IMO, it’s the most useless waste of time on CC, and I stopped reading any of those ten years ago. There should be one pinned Here Are Your Chances thread (for BS or college) with one post that says:

Make sure your stats/profile match or exceed the average for whichever schools you’re applying to, put together the best application you can, and then let the chips fall where they may. That’s all you or any applicant can do."

Done. You’re welcome.

(Rant over; martini time. :cocktail:)


It is good to have some adults reading them… if only to keep some juveniles in check.

It won’t. I will say. though, that many of the respondents are adults who have been through the process. Unlike Reddit, where it is predominantly teens chancing teens. That subreddit I avoid. Reminds me of the ubiquitous “Chance me and I’ll chance you back” threads that existed here when I joined. :roll_eyes:

Lol. He is cutest thing ever. But he makes 75% of the mess in our 5 person household and does about 5% of the effective pickup.


I wrote a long, sarcasticish version of that post a while back:


I agree. I think they should either make it like the “Say it here cause you can’t say it directly” and make it a no reply allowed thread OR even better- make it an auto-reply thread where the auto-reply is something like “If you have to ask, you shouldn’t apply”.

I never have ventured over to that board after I figured out what it was. My eyes required much therapy after all of their rolling.


I think the only reason those weren’t killed years ago is that they drive a lot of (low quality) traffic to the site. The advertisers haven’t figured out yet that those clicks are probably pretty worthless.

@DroidsLookingFor I’m missing the sarcasm. That is actually more helpful and accurate information than 99%+ of the crap on the “chance me” threads, both for BS and college.


THIS — This right here is what most people just cannot comprehend!

True, sometimes when my kids were that age if I had an hour to do a job I would make them help, if I only had 30 minutes I had to do it myself. But it sounds like if you give your 8yo a pass, the 11yo will be lecturing both of you about the partriarchy and giving the male household member a free pass on domestic duties, so getting harangued by her will slow the process too! Good for her btw.