Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

That is great news and such a relief for 3/10.

@CateCAParent woohoo on the one and done. I told my husband when we got ours this week that all the TripJ people are going to be sitting pretty before we get our second dose.

The good pre-M10 news is fantastic! Someone reported a Kent admit over on the freakout thread, so things are about to get really freaked out there.

So much stress in the air, fingers and toes crossed for everyone.


@dadof4kids that is why I think the college process is a bit less stressful (one of the reasons, anyway). You can apply early a lot of times (without ED) and some schools will give you a decision prior to the Spring notification. Luckily, DS has some backup plans which makes waiting for his big hitters easier.

CONGRATS @Calliemomofgirls to your DD! What an awesome way to go into M10!

We have it a bit easier this time around, too, with DD, because we were not counting on FA for her. So, we had already decided if M10 did not prove fruitful, she would apply late to rolling admissions schools or ‘Plan B usually not full on A10’ schools, which usually include all girls. So, we are anxious obviously, but not overly so.

One thing that is making me feel a bit better is that D is feeling a lot more optimistic about how things will look if she stays here next year. Her friend situation is a bit better than it has been for a while, and she is realizing that a couple of girls she likes will be at the same HS after the middle schools merge. Also she is finding a couple of activities and classes that she is excited about for next year.

Not posting this so you all can talk me off of the ledge again. I’m still kind of a wreck, and nothing short of a guarantee of a “yes” on M10 will solve that. Mostly posting this because even though it will be disappointing, I am feeling a bit less discouraged about how the next 4 years would go if she stays. I still want her to go and think that would be best, but it maybe won’t be as bleak if she stays and I thought it would in August (or even January).


Just popping to wish everyone good vibes and low stress over the weekend. I am a firm believer in everything working out in the end, and I have every confidence that things will be great for all come next week.

I laughed at the “pizza punishment”… It’s birthday weekend here - mine and DD’s. Because it’s our bday and because it’s friday (mama don’t cook on Fridays) we are getting pizza, but we’re getting if from MY fav place, which has a ton of vegetarian-friendly toppings, so I’m getting brussels sprouts. Everyone gripes in the house when I do because they are… fragrant… but heck - it’s my birthday. Treat yo’self.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Happy birthday @hellomaisy !!!

We had pizza last night. (I feel like I’ve had a LOT of pizza since march 12th last year…).

And @dadof4kids I don’t think anyone is confused about who is punishing whom with that pita-pizza situation. :).

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Friday is always pizza night in our house, but we will add some ice cream, too, and celebrate with you! Enjoy your day to the fullest!

Don’t forget the pineapple!

I don’t know if anyone watched The Good Place (great show), but it was even a joke that Hawaiian pizza is the pizza they served in Hell.


with frozen yogurt instead of ice cream…


And all of the coffee is in the little pods.

Happy birthday!

I love an indulgent birthday-celebrator! Happy Brussels sprouts!


I feel like I can breathe. Acceptance at the top pick locally and one solid boarding school. Feels like I can breathe for the first time in a long time.

I finally, finally feel my son can get the education he needs for the next four years. And that has never been true.



That’s something to celebrate @SweetBoy1 !!

Hooray, @SweetBoy1 ! Really happy for you.

Congrats! Not only a yes, but choices!

Bonus for me is that you probably stick around and hopefully keep telling stories about your kids. I know last week you were exasperated with them, but it’s fun for me to relive those days, albeit without being the one hunting for ear plugs because I can’t listen to either that song or speech a 23rd time!

Congratulations, @SweetBoy1. :champagne:

We did this basic math as well and it is a bit scary how few spots there really are for each bucket.


I have been wondering if being from VA helps us with buckets at west coast schools. But I imagine it’s honestly splitting hairs at this point. I would really be so interested to sit in on these admissions meetings.