Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Lol. The little one has been enjoying Asterix comics so I am off to make him “Boar in Wine” for dinner.

It is such a good feeling to go into M10 feeling relaxed.


I got the aficionado badge:

This badge is granted for visiting 100 consecutive days. That’s more than three months!

This is their language.
Reminding me that for a QUARTER OF A YEAR I have not missed a day on CC.

Was this meant to encourage me to post more, or to inspire me to get an actual life?

I need covid to end.


Sounds great, send me a pin on Apple maps! What time is dinner? :grinning:

I don’t look at my posting or reading numbers at all. But if I did, I think they would be more likely to shame me than encourage me.


Also, I was just telling someone yesterday about a couple of positive things that have happened to my family due to Covid. So here is the current score:

Covid good = 2
Covid bad = 5,000,000

Still some ground to make up.

@dadof4kids I don’t think I even know where to see stats like that and it’s best.
But CC gives you a big fat notification with confetti and balloons heralding the arrival of “badges.” (jk on the confetti and balloons part).

I’ve pivoted to a new life in pajamas with internet friends and I’m Ok with it for another few weeks while I await the vaccine.

(Side note: I’ve told my husband that I’ll shake the covid-quarantine-cobwebs when I get the first vaccine, because that means I’ll have 2-3 between shots, plus an additional 10-14 days for the immunity, and so four weeks is plenty of time to get my roots done, start working out, and basically ease back into my old self. However, the J&J vaccine approval means I’ll have to fast-track that. maybe just roots and nails done, in that case.)


@Calliemomofgirls I have gotten both of mine-- I am still working in yoga pants and stained sweatshirts (um, did this pre-COVID with no excuses) and most of my contacts are still through the internet (also preCOVID).
I HAVE gotten the roots done (necessary with the double whammy application season), but have not gotten the motivation to exercise, so I am one big ball of fluff with misshapen nails and torn cuticles.
Maybe no in-person revisits are a blessing after all. I’d scare every single one of you off of the campus, never to return!

@buuzn03 yoga pants and sweatshirts are for amateur covid loungers. It’s pajamas or bust over here. (jk)


Andover published a behind-the-scenes article on their admissions process a few years back that was discussed here a while ago. It might be informative still.

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My wife had been in person since august, I probably go into the office on average once a week. I have gotten many eye rolls on the pajama pants when she gets home at 4 o’clock.

Mine are no longer roots… it’s way too far for that. I found ways to style it and it’s not really noticeable on zoom anymore. California didn’t have salons open from Dec 1 thru end of Feb, and honestly our cases were so bad, I wasn’t really comfortable spending that long in a salon chair inside when they were open in the fall. As for offices - we aren’t even allowed to step foot in the building for any reason anymore - been that way since before Thanksgiving, and prior to that it was only with major approvals for a “I need something from my office” type of visit. I almost forgot what it looks like since I have only been back 2 times in a year!! I am the master of yoga pants and nice looking tops, or PJs and a work presentable shirt!!

Most of my daughter’s interviews were in a cute top, paired with a ratty pair of pajama shorts that need thrown away.


Dinner is BYOM Bring your own mace.


I went full on silver! I love it.

Revisit days: What should a 14 year boy wear to revisit day? My son has been living in athletic wear for year. The local private day schools are pretty casual. I don’t want him to feel over dressed, but I have no idea what they wear at Boarding Schools on regular days.

Hi, I couldn’t find a place to introduce myself, so I am jumping in here to do so. If there’s a better place, let me know, I don’t want to mess up the format of the forum with my first post.

I am the parent of an 8th grader and trying not to panic about M10. My daughter is a strong student, but not exceptional (she gets mostly A’s and some B’s at her fairly rigorous independent middle school, but isn’t top of the class; was on a dance team and basketball team pre COVID, but isn’t the star on either of them.) She is fine with that and I am too, but I’m not sure if that will differentiate her from the applicant pool. We also need at least 50% FA so that adds to my anxiety about it all.

We live in a small town in a rural area and she really wants to go to bigger school than what our small town offers. Her first choice is Concord Academy but she has also applied to NMH, CSW, and a local day school and she would be very happy with any those too. I just want her to have at least one choice and not be rejected or waitlisted across the board. That would be hard to take after working so hard through middle school and the stress of the past year, but I know it is a possibility.

Anyway, hello and good luck to all of your children who are waiting for decisions.


Are there any BSs having on campus revisit days? I do not know of any as of yet. In addition, most of the BSs I know that usually have a formal/business dress code, have gone to a relaxed dress code this year because of COVID.

Since we planned on all revisits being virtual (if we are lucky to be invited to any), we were going to go with our typical business on top, lounge on bottom '20-'21 wardrobe.

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Hang in there @SmallTownParent your angst is similar to the rest of us, even those of us who have done this before!

Have a cocktail (our bartenders have been slacking) and an appetizer (the spinach-artichoke dip is said to be fantastic!), relax and stay a while!


Happy belated birthday @hellomaisy ! Did you celebrate with a drive to South Central PA to return DD to school? We dropped DS yesterday and he was SO happy to be back. We loved the cheering section at every stop as we made our way through technology, testing and dorm drop off. Fingers crossed for a successful 13 weeks to end the year!


Good point on the virtual revisit days. I am just being hopeful. In Massachusetts, the teachers in our district are all getting vaccinated this weekend. I really can not make a good decision without walking through a dining room, dorm or classroom. This will be very hard to do.