Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Newbie here - what is her WL post? Do you have a link? I’d love to read it but don’t know what I’m looking for.

This is not the correct way to think about FA and endowments. It doesn’t matter how much a school has available for FA if they WL or don’t admit you, and many schools with more modest endowments commit to meeting the demonstrated need of every FA applicant they admit. The full-pay/FA ratio at most of these schools, even those with the largest endowments, remains stable year-over-year in the 60-70%/30-40% range, so there are limits to what each school will spend on FA each year even if they can afford to buy an entire class outright.

Reading the freak out thread made me anxious. I have been pretty calm but seeing kids reporting wave of notifications from schools DD applied to makes me wonder. I have been debating whether I should set up UPS and Fedex accounts since yesterday. There’s real fear of seeing an empty account…

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We are FP. I hope there is some good news tomorrow, too. Thanks!

It is the pinned Wait List thread at the top. Just search for her lengthy inputs. She would post them each year around this time and again within the week after decisions.

@agoldsmith: I modified my reply upthread to include relevant links.

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@ChoatieMom Got it, makes sense. I don’t really know much about it and my daughter didn’t apply to Exeter.

I posted my annual “Freakout Poem” - now 4 years old - on that Freak Out Thread…thanks to those who were with me on the first journey - some of you have students graduating and I remember the March 10th of that year. One of you was traveling for hockey that day trying to get internet to work.


Every time I go over to the Freak out Thread, my heart rate goes up. At 52, it is iffy. It is like a car accident I can’t look away from. My 14 yr old son applied to 10 schools. 5 BS, 5 nearby day schools. He and I will be so unhappy if he doesn’t get into any. This is our first rodeo. I can’t do this again. It is worse than Law School.


Take two of these:

or these:

and call me in the morning. :blush:


I will need those tomorrow. It will be 5 pm somewhere, right?


I am taking my son to this place at 3:00 for fried chicken and we are going to go over all of it good or bad.


It will be quiet and cozy and we can rejoice or cry in our fried chicken from Chef Santos (Hells Kitchen blue team).


@cocoonondagahill I am right there with you! 9 BS, 14 yo son, first rodeo. I find the parents on here to be so thoughtful and encouraging.

I’m right there with you…BUT I do have UPS and FedEx accounts. I glanced over at the FreakOut thread earlier and decided it was appropriately named, so I’m staying put over here and not going to even glance at it.

My daughter also applied to many of the schools where kids are getting notifications, and we don’t have any.

I did get two FedEx notifications and was beside myself with excitement for my kid. And then discovered that they were for dog food and swim goggles. Not my idea of a successful M10!


OMG, @cocoonondagahill! Marblehead! DH and I almost bought the old Victorian at the corner of Geary and Pleasant (just up the street) in the early '90s. Marblehead is one of our favorite places on earth. Enjoy. And remember, BS results do not determine anyone’s fate, success, or happiness in life.

(Or are you going to a different location?)


Are you waiting until 3pm to find out the results from all the schools and then going to log in together to all the portals?
I don’t know if kiddo and I could be that patient.

She wants to know as soon as the decisions are posted. She’s agreed that she wants to go to school even if the news in the early morning isn’t good and wants me to email her any news that happens during the day. argh.

Thank you for posting this. It’s hard to read with all the excitement and nerves while second-guessing your own blank screens. There could be a ton of reasons for the blank screens, but as parents, we prep for and assume the worst to be ready to comfort. Good luck to everyone!

The no shipping notifications definitely has me preparing for the worst… Ugh!!! (And yes, I realize that it isn’t actually accurate, etc.)

Lol, I got a notification today and the package turned out to be grow bags for my cherry trees!
Glad to know I am not alone. I just knew my son would do better in a different environment. Smallish. Not a sweatshop. He is smart and quirky, not sporty. But I would love to see him spread his wings and try squash or rowing.

I decided not to sign up for any mail notifications, so we’ll find out tomorrow at 8:00 AM, less than 12 hrs!