Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

We are NOT going to wait until the afternoon. But my son takes the National Latin Exam tomorrow and does not want to know of any acceptances/denials until after the test. I may know before then… he told me he is taking Gmail off his phone until after the test.

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Hey, I know where you are talking about. We love M’Head. We are hoping for Governors or Middlesex. We like smallish. My son has a mild dx of Aspergers so we threw out a wide net including Cushing and Tabor. All school’s academic support department got a call from me. He gets straight As And SSATS in 98%. But he is super quirky and not sporty. He is more of a debate team type of kid. We will see tomorrow.


Lol. I have a delivery of LL Bean boots (for bs) coming on my UPS account but no school notifications!!!

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I might be pinging you about the Academic Support Departments. My daughter has ADHD (Medicated), always been top of her class, high performing, straight As, and great test taker too… but I might want to know what you learned if we get any acceptances at any schools you applied to. We applied to Governors and Middlesex as well. She might want a little more support being 3000 miles away from her parents! She is self sufficient, always gets her work done, but sometimes it takes twice as long as it should because she gets distracted. :wink:

Please do. It was a leap of faith reaching out to all of them. But they were great. My Son shows more signs of ADHD than Aspergers. ( they often co-exist). I will walk you through it. Good luck tomorrow. ( I used to house sit for Goldsmiths in Syracuse…)

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Good luck to your family as well! Fingers crossed!

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I couldn’t resist the temptation anymore and created UPS and Fedex accounts… not telling DD though. Felt like cheating

I hope you got some good news!

I was wondering if you create it after the mailings go out, do they still show up in your account?

Yes. A UPS agent told me that their system, for instance, is supposed to connect your tracking to shipments from five days ago.

People say you can’t see packages before creating account at UPS but FedEx you can

I think there will need to be an update for the package to show up

Just realized, this is my 10th M10. I really need to get a life. :crazy_face:

(Don’t be me.)


You may be right. Though there are multiple events in the lifecycle of one shipment that can trigger the update in the system, e.g. label created, picked up, left origin, etc. So I would argue you should be able to see shipments in transit shipped even before the account creation.

Happy anniversary! You and many others are very helpful to us first timers. Thank you

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Need a movie or two to get to (or through) M10?

We recently watched Nomadland, Moxie, and Class Action Park (about NJ’s infamous Action Park “amusement” park). Recommend all of them for various reasons.

Best of luck to all the kids and families in this app cycle. You are in good hands with some of the OGs who are still active on the forum.


Yeah, someone ordered from Amazon at my house and it shipped today. Not cool.

Confirmed. A change in status in FedEx will trigger an update. The package info will show up including past updates. Not sure about UPS though.

This year takes the cake for freak outs. But I noticed that there are versions of the same heightened activity on the college side - lots of tea-leaf reading, play lists, etc. Wondering if covid has deprived everyone of the outlets they’d usually use to blow off some of this steam.

@G07b10 UPS doesn’t even always capture even old accounts. DD got a package today that I got the first notification AFTER it was delivered. So, not reliable for sure.