Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Thank you. Good to know. My UPS account is empty…

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The Amherst ED thread was really slow almost up until the end, but the last couple days looked like the BS freakout looks tonight.

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Glad to see you, @SevenDad. Are you going to help herd the cats tomorrow? ski shouldn’t have to do it alone. :wink:


I just talked to DD. The Andover AO forced her to name all schools she applied to. She said it was required so DD had to tell her. I thought wrong.

Amerikid got into Andover. Thanks for all of your support over these many months!


Man, this year was brutal. Concord Academy 10% acceptance rate.

Every letter we received thus far indicated about a 10:1 ratio of applications to spots (not the acceptance rate). Big number year!

Not required. Not forced. But if DD felt that way, then Andover should have dropped off the list.

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When I am often on the Prep School Admissions message board and the Washington University in ST Louis message board, is it any wonder that my next suggested topic is always How Much do YOU think you need to retire? :upside_down_face:


DD tried to be vague but in a few seconds she was told to tell all the names.

Nobles didn’t push for names.

She mentioned that the Andover AO did say it wouldn’t affect admission.

My son did not get into Tabor, but did get into Cushing (which has an excellent ADD ADH support program). He will be thrill when I tell him. It is very pricy $67,000. We are not a FA family. So much for my dream ski house.


Amerikid also got in to Choate, Exeter, Hotchkiss and Lawrenceville. Waiting on St. Paul’s. Quite a day so far. Lots of hugs and happy tears.


Congrats! All great choices. Open the champagne and sparkling cider!

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Congratulations on all the acceptances!

It looks like CSW is D’s only option. She was waitlisted at NMH and Concord, which was her first choice. She was offered a spot at a local school if we switched from FA to FP, which isn’t a possibility. CSW was my first choice for her, though I would have been thrilled with any of the schools and she likes CSW so we will be celebrating today.


D was accepted to both schools she applied to - Cate & Mercersburg! I think she is leaning Mercersburg for dance program! :ballet_shoes:


FWIW, CSW seemed amazing and was the school I discovered just recently that had me saying: OH WOW. That seems like a truly special place! I’m low-key jealous that I can’t be your daughter and go!

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I am kind of jealous that I cannot go either. I’ll have to enjoy it vicariously.

Congratulations!! Two awesome schools!! My dancer kid was really impressed by the art facilities at MBurg; it’s better than a lot of colleges. While I loved the outdoorsy/nature aspect of Cate, dancer kid thought it looked a bit too rustic and not what she envisioned a boarding school would look like…and don’t forget…MARSHALL!!! @hellomaisy @dramakid2 @ABJ8888 @busymommyof4