Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I have two older children at Cate who LOVE it, but I think my 3rd will go to Mercersburg (my alma mater) for the dance program. We have to sit down tonight and decide. She can’t go wrong either way, but Cate is smaller and the dance program is not as large as Mercersburg. It is her main EC, so it’s an important factor.

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@ChoatieMom I see you are busy herding cats this morning :grin:


Ha! My CDO kicked in. (Like OCD, but in alphabetical order – as it should be.)


Welcome back, @comtnmom . Thrilled for you guys. Look forward to seeing you on campus.


We have options. That’s all we needed.
The lack of UPS/FedEx notifications was a total gut punch last night. I didn’t sleep.

But kiddo is happy, so we are too.
We have 5 decisions from schools, 1 more still to come later this afternoon.


SweetBoy is still asleep it he as an abundance of offers to choose from. Still waiting for Groton. I am glad he has some WL schools too.


Seriously. :flushed:


There she is!! Hi @PhotographerMom! :slight_smile:


Hi @hellomaisy !!

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Hey @buuzn03 !!! I was completely fine until about an hour ago… :wink:

You’re very sweet to worry, but all is well. :heart:



We just finished opening our results. We had to wait for DS to get out of class so he could FaceTime and be a part of it, too.

Welcome back @PhotographerMom ! I’ve missed you!!


@buuzn03 - without needing to get into the nitty gritty (as much as I would love to know), is your DD ok? Does she have choices she likes?

@CateCAParent thanks for checking! We haven’t had a chance to talk to family, yet, so I haven’t posted. (We waited for her brother to get out of class)

She has excellent choices and we are still trying to let it all sink in. I’ll be back to post once we’ve had our family time and announcements!


@buuzn03 so pleased to hear this! Have been thinking of the Family Buuzn03 as we have gone through this process (for the first time with our 8th grader) and SMS is one of his acceptances- I have appreciated your many insights along the way, your encouragement of so many to broaden their lists, and your championing of your son’s experience. Congrats to your family on a great day!


Congratulations @MidAtlanticDad1 !!! I hope you enjoyed the SMS acceptance video, which my DS was in charge of/created!

Let me know if I can help answer any questions!


@SmallTownParent , you have landed in the best place possible-- your kid will go to your first choice without you having to force the issue.

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@gardenstategal Right!!

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My heart breaks for the kids who are disappointed today. We were there this time last year too and I think we all still have PTSD from it!! But it does truly work out well in the end. Thinking of everyone here who has received both good and bad news today.

I can’t help but worry about going through the admission process with kiddo2 next year. Each cycle the competition only gets tougher, and I don’t see that trend changing anytime soon. Now off to add more schools to kiddo2’s list.


I don’t mean to intrude the parent thread but I wanted to say congrats to all your kids! and to those who are disappointed ,i’m sorry and hoping the best for you guys <33


I think it was really hard this year bc some many kids, many of whom were previously at the local day or public school, wanted to be at a school where they could have some semblance of social interaction with friends and teachers (the day schools were also inundated with public kids who couldn’t stand the online schooling that they were getting, at least in NYC). I know a set of twins at one of my kids’ old school who pulled out for the year and enrolled in a boarding school near their CT country house and I’m sure they aren’t the only ones. I also think it was a really hard year, FA wise, bc budgets were stretched for the covid pivot. Also, so many of the kids that applied this year didn’t have a very wide net; someone should have pointed them to the Hidden Gems post. I also think BS is having a moment again. The N-8 that one kid attended apparently had a lot of kids apply to BS this year. Hopefully next year will be a little more normal.