Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Introducing Ellie, our Craigslist rescue, and here is our view of Mohonk (I’m guessing you have seen enough snow by now)


That is incredible. We love and miss that place. Unfortunately its been a few years, but we use to be somewhat regulars at the SOS Tri and it was always a huge treat to stay at the property for the weekend.

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Another blast from the past!! We have missed you @chemmchimney! And I love your new baby Frenchie… our pups would have a blast together!

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Oh Lovey! The martinis are flowing. As is the rosé. It’s that time (of year, if not also of day).


It’s that time of week again. Pizza night and winding down with whiskey sours, proving as I claimed on the If I Ask You to Teach Me thread that I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue:

(I know, you didn’t get to see me do it but, trust me, this is one of my superpowers.)


I don’t drink much but that looks really good!

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Drinking is easy, @abasket. Practice makes perfect.


I hope you had some for me @ChoatieMom ! I was traveling all day to get to Boston. I was able to air hug my kid and watch him throw the frisbee around with his mates. I’ll take what I can get!


Wishing our little diva a happy 8th birthday today! Her daddy better treat her right!



Biting my tongue… But why are there so many obnoxious people that are “shocked” by their M10 results? And is there a polite way to say, “Maybe all the AOs found you as annoying as I do”?

Is it too late or too early for a cocktail?

Is it ever too late or too early for a cocktail?


It’s the same in the college threads with people who think Cornell is their safety school :rofl:

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Unfortunately, this is a very common issue on CC. Because of it, I find I’ve gotten very used to the taste of blood…

Warms the cockles of my heart - Cornell has never been a safety school unless you’re in state and applying to something like ag, and even then…

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Reading all of the comments from people who did not get in, or only got waitlisted makes me really wonder how my own kid DID get in. :joy:. Am I a bad parent?

I have it on good authority that BS admissions relies heavily on astrology and the Magic 8 Ball to determine offers. So, if you didn’t get in, your sign was probably in the wrong house; if you did get in, the ball said “It is Certain”; if you were waitlisted, the ball said, “Reply Hazy, Try Again.” You can’t control the planets or the ball, so let it go. Although throwing salt over your left shoulder has been shown to improve WL chances (and decrease your supply of salt).



No, you’re probably what passes for normal here, which is good enough.

We only hear snippets of application information here. SSAT scores and grades are easy to quantify, for example. People’s self reporting of the quality of their interviews and essays, and their guesses at the quality of their recommendation letters… have to be taken with a grain of salt.

Just because you had a nice conversation doesn’t mean that the interview went well. I suspect that a lot of people make that mistake.


I was being a bit facetious :blush:. But I do think the interview must factor pretty well. Kiddo got into 1 of 3 all other things being equal it was the one she felt had the best, most natural flowing interview. Also a stronger program in the arts, which is where she shines, so, the best fit. And it made M10 so much easier not to have to choose :joy:

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Do I need to read all 1,000 comments on the Boarding School what to bring list or is there a Cliff Notes version?

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Cliffs Notes BS Style: Less is more*. Bring what you’d bring to stay at grandma’s for a couple of weeks. If you forget anything, you can purchase locally or parents can bring/remove at Parents Weekend (winter coats/clothing). Your kid will probably wear shorts, flip flops, and odds and ends purchased from the school store all year regardless of snow and frost.

The rooms are small and will have a bed, desk, and chair, lamp if you’re lucky. Bring/buy a fan; early days can be hot.

I’m always aghast at the amount of things students (are you listening, girls?) think they need to bring. I know, I know, we only had a boy, but he boarded a plane for school each year with just a backpack, roller bag, and one large suitcase. When he got there, he purchased a fan and some laundry supplies. We shipped his computer, other electronicals, and bedding a week ahead. At the end of each year, he stored everything that didn’t easily fit into his backpack, roller bag, and suitcase and boarded a plane for home as light as he left. (Important Safety Tip: Never plan on helping with move out. You’re welcome.)

Don’t forget, you can order online and have things shipped to the school a week or two ahead. All BS mailrooms are equipped to handle those boxes.

And, finally, DON’T be this kid.

*If you think you need a U-Haul, you’re doing it all wrong. You don’t want to be that person either. Re-read from the top of this post.