Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Fortunately, this “loss” does not bother ChoatieLT. He is not driven by money and his two (at most) coins are not exactly a fortune.

Not a fortune perhaps, but 2 years of BS tuition :wink:

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Again, not a fortune, especially at the time he would have cashed out. :wink:

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! :hatching_chick::hatched_chick:


Managed to host early Easter egg hunt for my kids and the neighbors before my second covid shot.

Now I am cough cough oh oh owe faking it to watch movies all afternoon by myself.


I am new to posting here and can’t figure out how to post in a topic without replying to a previous post, so obviously I am a parent.

I have been a lurker on this board for some time with a soon-to-be-student at boarding school and I am now also looking at the college pages. Anyway, I just wanted to thank the folks on the prep school pages as your advice/experience was very valuable to our family. We are from an area where boarding school is not really a thing but our kid decided they wanted to go and we wouldn’t have had any idea on how to approach it without the resources posted here. There were definitely stressful days, especially around March 10. But, we learned a lot from all of you and I am a bit embarrassed not to have posted before now. Many thanks for all your contributions (even–and perhaps especially–the kids on the “freakout” thread)!


Welcome! College pages should be particularly interesting today, as the statistics for this year are mind-boggling. I’ve been peeking there too as my oldest is about to enter the college application fray.

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Is it scary? I haven’t looked at any college stats.

At the top of each forum there should be a blue +newtopic button. That’s for new threads. Welcome!

Because of the sheer number of applicants (increasing with test-optional), admission rates continue to decline for many colleges. I feel for the AOs. I can’t imagine having to evaluate the multitude of applications!

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Do you think the number of applicants will be as high next year?

Interesting thing happened down here in the swamp - We keep getting pre-college info from BAMA and earlier this year they offered no-fee applications online. There was a week of free applications. Kiddo has a couple of friends who applied that way. I bet this really boosted their applications.

What are you hearing from the boarding school Senior results so far this week? We know a few kids (from 2 different schools) who have already decided they will PG next year for a better chance with recruiting.

DS did not pay for any of his applications this year. Every single school offered him a fee waiver.


Friend with daughter at top BS has ended up with a pretty good year after some disappointing WL early on - yes at Georgetown and a couple of the better Northeastern LAC. Waiting on Ivy day but not feeling super optimistic with the # of apps this year.


My senior got in to ND, USC, Michigan, UVA, BC and a few safeties so far. Waiting on Ivies tonight, but he’s thrilled with ND. Sounds like most of his friends (who weren’t already accepted ED) have done well.


BRAVO !!! CONGRATS TO YOUR KIDDO & TO YOU! :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Glad to be essentially done, any acceptances tonight are icing on the cake!

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well, since we are talking about it…DS only applied to 8 schools (not sure how he feels about that decision now, but oh well)…he was accepted to Wash U, SMU, Florida Inst of Tech, CSOM, TAMUK, and Lehigh-IDEAS.

We have 3 weeks to make a decision. I think it is down to Wash U and SMU, but who knows what he is really thinking.


We also have 3 WL and 3 Rejections from some similar/lower admit % - so it wasn’t all roses! It definitely was a throw it all at the wall and see what sticks kind of year :rofl:

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Congrats @comtnmom and @buuzn03!

I think the volume of apps will be similar next year @Golfgr8, but such a big unknown.

This was a great episode that touches on some of the complexities (and also made me a fan of UT Austin):


It definitely felt like the landscape shifted beneath us. Schools he was told were targets became reaches after the ED round and we therefore added several schools last minute. He luckily had a 30 page Google doc of supplements he had written and was able to quickly retool a few for last minute apps. I will pray my younger 3 kids all get admitted ED or REA :rofl: