Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@comtnmom I like the way y’all realized the shift early enough to add schools. I don’t know if that would have changed the way DS applied, but it was very smart to do so.

The kids I know at George this year seem to have had very good results. I do think most are,pretty slick about finding good fits, and that probably really helps when applications are just flooding admissions offices.

Can we no longer see other users threads? Am I just missing the link for some reason?

I think you can, but it is convoluted how to get there…I think you go to the user, then “more”, then activity and it lists comments/topics/something?

but I am NOT the most tech savvy, sooooo

@buuzn03 got it! you solved it for me :blush:

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@choatiemom continues to have the patience of Job. Wow. Kudos to you, dear friend! :cocktail:


:cocktail: :cocktail: :cocktail: :cocktail: :cocktail:

this is random, and college related, but i thought everyone should read this thread- it’s truly incredible. Homeless, didn't get in through the waitlist, have no where else to go, need advice


This is the most inspiring thread I’ve read on cc. Thanks for sharing.

It seems Chris knew this kid from the beginning. I don’t know if he would reach out to a random kid on the board.

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Thanks, @lilyesh. @familyrock shared that inspiring thread here on March 1. But a good read for anyone who missed it. Might be good to post on The Wait List thread as any comments would better fit there.

Some random news: Lawrenceville has opened its dorms to day students for an hour per day. So far there hasn’t been any “official” communication, but I confirmed it with my Housemaster (who says it’ll begin tomorrow for us)—some other Houses already started today.

Anyone know if any other schools have done this?

@confusedaboutFA: You might want to start a thread in the Prep School Admissions forum to ask this question.

Kiddo was sooooo excited about this!! One of her day student friends stopped by her room last night (remaining in the hallway of course :wink: ) and kiddo was elated. We then received an email this morning that her dorm has a positive day student case. Really hoping they don’t backtrack on allowing day students in the dorms.

Also, I had assumed Lville was one of very few schools, if not the only school, not allowing day students in dorms…but I have nothing to back up that assumption.

I don’t think other area schools are. COVID numbers in Mercer county are not very good at the moment.


DS’s school does not let dorms intermingle–boarders are only allowed in their dorm. And day students are not allowed in dorms, either. So, I think it would be very school specific and regional, as well.

No day students in Hotchkiss dorms.

Hotchkiss is holding a vaccine clinic for all students who want one and are old enough in a couple of weeks. Very happy!


No day students in our dorms. No boarding students in any dorm but their own. Been that way the whole year. It was kind of a big deal because they sort of forgot about the day students at first. And not being able to shower after sports has been rough and kind of (not kind of, really super) gross.

Two days before A10 and it seems the forum has gotten eerily silent.
We have 23 days before we have to make college decisions, so that is occupying our time!


The first time Chris and I ever spoke was after I posted that thread, he really just is that kind of guy :slight_smile:


so lovely for the both of you to come back to update us. and truly, congrats!!! your story made my day, and i decided i had to tell my family. they were also truly inspired by the both of you!

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