Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I’m very sorry for your son. Suicide is serious. We lost him to a year long battle with brain cancer. It has shaken the district very much.

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For those contemplating boarding school for their kids, or sending a loved one off this fall, I highly recommend “The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives”.

A couple of years ago, “The Self-Driven Child” was my airplane reading and it was terrific. Did we incorporate everything the authors suggested? Of course not, but it did give us more peace of mind and caused us as parents to re-evaluate some of our approaches.

Co-written by Ned Johnson, the founder of PrepMatters tutoring, and Dr. William Stixrud, a clinical neuropsychologist.


Thanks - ordering it from Amazon now ….

We’re currently reading the book and love it so far. Hotchkiss sent the book to all incoming 9th-grade families, perhaps to all new families. There will be a school-wide book discussion event with the coauthor of the book, Ned Johnson, in a few weeks. During the application season and especially after March 10, Hotchkiss keeps impressing us. We really feel that “ Hotchkiss Hits Different!”
We hope our positive experience will continue after our kid steps foot on the campus!

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The mental health toll of the COVID pandemic - the impact of social isolation is one factor mentioned in this article.


Thought I’d share here what I posted on the photos thread. ChoatieLT pinged us from Guam last night. He got there safely after two days of delay due to Army transport plane (777) repairs and stops in Alaska and Honolulu to pick up other units. He says it’s hot and muggy. Good thing he sports a tropical Army haircut.

He says that officers posted here refer to it as “great value Hawaii.”


that’s just beautiful! My dad always loved being stationed in Guam. He had to go there a few times on TDY.


Piece of advice for incoming students (and parents to tell their children): during move-out (and even move-in), make sure you check your dorm’s common room for things people are giving away. I got a free pair of Vans and a free pair of Timberlands (the $180 kind!!) just because people didn’t want them anymore. I’m telling you, you can absolutely score some great stuff for free. There were snacks aplenty, unused toiletries, desk lamps, office supplies, etc.


@CavsFan2003 , you and my DS must have been separated at birth. Just one more thing I like about you!

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The AP results are out listing the percentages of how students did this Spring. I think the scores are going to be low this year…on many tests.

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Copying info I posted on another thread:

Interesting observation by Trevor:

As expected, we’re seeing wrong answers from students who violated testing regulations by attempting to use a second device (e.g., a smartphone) to google the correct answers while taking the digital exam at home. We know this because of how the exams were designed. The college professors who wrote this year’s questions crafted them in such a way that incorrect response option(s) could include words and phrases that would appear in internet searches if a student googled key words from the question. In contrast, the correct answer to AP digital multiple-choice questions required students to apply their knowledge to a specific scenario not searchable on the internet. In other words, the right answer couldn’t be googled.

Yeah, some kids were smart enough to take AP, but dumb enough to think they could cheat despite having been told upfront that be the answers could not be googled. I’m anticipating a lot of students shocked by their scores come 7/21.


More updates from Trevor:

Note there were some attempts to submit plagiarized 2-D portfolios this year; students do not realize how easy it is in this day and age for the scoring processes and systems to detect nonoriginal work. Almost all of these plagiarism attempts were submitted by students from outside the United States, and all of those students’ scores are being canceled. There were similar, but more frequent, attempts to submit nonoriginal work in Drawing Portfolio categories.

34,481 submitted 2d portfolios. About 800 were canceled. So 2.3% were caught cheating.

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Been forever since I was last on CC, and I can’t say I’ve read every post in the interim, but two unrelated pieces of news from the Sevens household:

  • I am currently OBSESSED with Giveon’s “Heartbreak Anniversary”

  • SD1 got engaged!



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OmG!! Super exciting news! Congrats to all!

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Congrats to SD1, @SevenDad. :partying_face: From one family’s journey to BS to a wedding! It’s nice to see veteran posters return with updates like this.


Shout out and thanks to the person who recommended reading “The Drunkard’s Walk - How Randomness Rules Our Lives”….both Golfkiddo and I are enjoying it :+1:

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@CavsFan2003 speaks the truth! My son got sneakers and a guitar (!!!) that way, not to mention summer reading books etc.

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Just a reminder: If you have not yet reserved your car for dropping off your student at school, Fall weekend, big games, or visits to boarding schools……please do so as soon as possible. There are fewer cars and higher prices this year!