Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>^^Thanks PhotoMom! Well, I generally consider myself a not-so-good chatter so I was worried that I might ruin the party that was going so well. With your encouragement, I will come on here from time to time but only when I am sure I have something pleasant to share! :wink: </p>

<p>I hope you do! It’s been a fun thread and a catchall for many interesting topics. Someday, I’ll read it from start to finish and probably cringe a little along the way… No. I take that back. I’m probably going to cringe a lot! </p>

<p>@PhotographerMom: I need to stick by that pledge I made once to not start any threads myself (this was during that run I had of getting threads I started shut down)! Much better to just be an advocate for SAS and field direct questions on that or my “One Family’s Story” thread…</p>

<p>@SevenDad : No. The reaction to that thread has been borderline ridiculous. Don’t give it another thought. </p>

<p>Does anyone have fun plans for Spring Break? Our plans are very boring so I’d love to live vicariously through you.</p>

<p>Two weeks in Miami Beach. It might be fun or it might not depending on how we are doing post March 10th. It will definitely be more fun to discuss any options on the beach than in NYC. </p>

<p>7D1 on service trip for first week, then a few days of rest and a family trip to another “second tier American city” (a joke I have with other parents who work the national circuit for this niche sport) for a sports tournament for 7D2, plus of course a few college visits thrown in just to stress everyone out. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: </p>

<p>7D, too bad you are not visiting an acronym city or a hidden gem city!!! :wink: </p>

<p>Despite my asking the family over and over to sit down to figure out a plan for spring break, we have no plan. And, LondonKid is giving up 5 days of her break to go back early for pre-season. Sigh. Guess I won’t be warm until summer now. Will have to live vicariously with PhotoMom.</p>

<p>@zookeeper7: It’s all places like Columbus, Memphis, Richmond…places where they can put on a big tournament with relatively low cost and available, affordable hotel rooms. But I’ve really enjoyed most of the places the sport has taken our family…Milwaukee was great (good food, the Calatrava-designed museum, etc.)</p>

<p>Touring state flagship honors college with CK first week (which he swears he won’t attend even if they give him a full ride, a hot girlfriend, and a Tessla). Second week, he’ll be in Miami for pre-season, hopefully recovered enough from appendectomy to get back on track. And DH and I? Ha! We haven’t had anything resembling a vacation in 17 years. Why do you think I spend so much time here?</p>

<p>It’s called staycation.</p>

<p>I get to go to pre-season WITH my kid this year, at least for a few days, as a chaperone. So much fun to be actively involved in helping organized one of my kid’s activities again… But other than that, staycation for us as well. Hopefully we won’t spend the entire vacation shoveling snow.</p>

<p>Glad to hear Choatekid is recovering. Miami sure sounds nice about now.
S and H were going to do some college tours in London but now we decided to let S do those tours with his school in May-cheaper. S and H will tour U. of Edinburgh followed by a tour of Scotland which will include fly fishing, distillery tours and castles. Not really my kind of vacation especially the weather.
Perhaps D and I will sneak off to Miami while they’re away. :smiley: </p>



<p>Now, THAT’S a vacation!</p>

<p>It’s interesting to me how many kids go to school in the UK now. I don’t remember anyone even talking about that as a possibility back in the Dark Ages (i.e., when I was in high school) or I’m sure I would have looked into it.</p>

<p>^^^Perhaps because of the royals? I was very surprised to see Choate’s admission history with St. Andrews on Naviance. Since 2008, 63 students applied, 52 were admitted, 18 enrolled. Compared with other schools we looked at, that’s a crazy admissions statistic.</p>

<p>(CK is not considering UK schools; we were just playing around with Naviance after College Info Weekend and noting how popular St. Andrews is.)</p>

<p>I think UK universities are gaining popularity partly because of the cost. For families that are definitely not qualified for need-based FA in the US and still want to attend a college with “world fame”, a big name 3-year UK university is a bargain. Also, UK universities are more attractive to international students attending US boarding schools. There are some best known ones. As for St. Andrews, I’m not sure if what you see at Choate is representative of other BS, but that IS a school attended by a lot of royalty and celebrity. Oxford and Cambridge are incredibly hard to get in.</p>

<p>This is fun: <a href=“http://www.cambridgeinterviewquestions.com/”>http://www.cambridgeinterviewquestions.com/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Sure, it’s relevant to economics. Limited resources / unlimited wants. Greatest benefit / satisfaction. Circular flow of goods and services.</p>