Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

If he edited, then he agrees with you.

Uh huh.

On another note, will hear results from the last college today. Any drink suggestions? Something rollercoaster related (because that is the best analogy I can think of right now), maybe?

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There was thread on college-related cocktails that was fun. Perhaps we should come up with some new ones? A Harvard Wallbanger, Mint Julliard, Fuzzy Naval Academy anyone?


The intent of this thread is meant to be casual and lighthearted. Let’s try to keep it that way.


That thread is fabulous! Thanks!

Totally disagree about masks. Masks at boarding schools that I’m familiar with - meaning I either frequently see the kids with my own eyes or am reported to by students or teachers - have not been worn “properly” from the beginning and are therefore not a factor in the Covid numbers. Maybe at your kids school they are all wearing masks diligently, covering their nose and mouth at all times. At the schools I’ve seen the kids have never ever done so (exaggeration, maybe the first two weeks of school last year) so again they simply aren’t a factor and the pageantry of masking needs to be done.


Interesting news from MIT:


There is also a long thread on the topic, which one of the MIT AO’s posted on.


Yes, if you wish to join the MIT SAT discussion, you can find it here.

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I’m curious how submitting/not submitting scores affected BS applicants this year. We ended up submitting scores and had better than expected decision results.


I recall that at least some schools released the data on that last year, and IIRC the split between those who did and did not submit tests amongst admits was more or less the same as that for rejections. Meaning, it had no impact.


But last year was much different in terms of accessibility. This year you could test at home and they would send you a computer and hotspot if you needed it. I can’t imagine there was zero bias.

Well we’ll see when/if schools release the data I guess.

Our experience has been that the AO’s have been very upfront and honest. I believe them when they say test scores are optional. They’ve been doing this a long time and know what they are doing.

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Updating since they were also accepted to Yale today along with the official avceptance from Columbia. Truly remarkable. Congratulations.


Congratulations @CavsFan2003!!!

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Ahh thank you so much!!! I cannot believe I’m finally done with college apps. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you! @chemsider


Big, big hugs and congrats to you @CavsFan2003. We’re all so proud of you. :hugs:


Thank you so much <3 seriously I don’t know how I could’ve done it without you and everyone else :sob: