Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>@SevenDad: I had to laugh a bit at the “phyche up” music. My kid’s required listening on the way to tournaments was the Jackson Five! Her choice. really.</p>

<p>CM’s unite ! I, too, am officially too old for New Order. And SevenDad is just way too hip for me. </p>

<p>@SevenDad In language arts we did an open response on Pompeii!</p>

<p>I never heard of New Order either. And that’s not because I’m too young. :-)</p>

<p>@classicalmama: My livelihood sort of depends on me keeping up with pop culture/music…though I’m sure if my kids were on here they’d chuckle at the thought of their dad being “hip”.</p>

<p>@stargirl3: Cool! I think it’s good when teachers try to loop in pop culture in some way. FYI, though my younger daughter and I lurve Bastille, my wife can’t get over the lead singer’s accent.</p>

<p>@twinsmama: New Order/Joy Division was on the Depeche Mode/OMD/Pet Shop Boys “britronica” (I made that word up just now…EDIT: apparently already a word) side of the pop music spectrum in the 80s. I was lucky to have an older brother in college to expose me to this stuff…which complemented my own personal interest in R&B/Disco/Dance/Rap (Prince, Michael Jackson, Public Enemy, NWA). The soundtrack to the film “Pretty in Pink” is a good place to start if you want to explore.</p>

<p>7Dad and i are music soulmates. My d teased me yesterday, “God, you’re such a hipster.” But she’s worse. We’ve planned college visits to coincide with concerts…a la “the glitchmob is near DC while you’re on break so we can visit Hopkins then, and we can hit dr dog and Georgetown on the next day.” If we’re lucky, we’ll be able to hit cage the elephant and tufts on the same day in May. Fun times. “Oooo, band x is playing at y small venue in Cleveland this summer, have you considered Case?”</p>



<p>…if you want to drool over James Spader when he had hair. Well, there goes my day. (BTW: Back in the day, ChoatieDad was a dead ringer for JS in that movie. Got comments/looks from strangers all the time.)</p>

<p>@neato: I envy your energy/stamina. The last concert my wife and I went to, we were like “OMG, if it’s not assigned seating (vs. General Admission) we can’t do it anymore…and how loud does this band play again?”</p>

<p>I did go to an “Old School Rap” GA show at Roseland with a buddy a few months ago. Fun, but could not stay for headliner…way past my bedtime on a school night.</p>

<p>@SevenDad: HAHA… I won’t even wait for a table at a restaurant anymore. Am considering a concert soon, but I also “require” an assigned seat. :)</p>

<p>@SevenDad: That doesn’t help. :-)</p>

<p>I refuse to go to concerts with seats of any kind. I mean, why would you go to a rock concert and sit??? </p>

<p>It is less about actually sitting, and more about having a spot to be. But I get what you mean! :)</p>

<p>Oh, I always have a spot to be, right behind the barricade in front of the stage. :smiley: Of course, this requires getting in line a few hours before doors open.</p>

<p>delete- I needed to vent . :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Hotchkiss is my backup school… Let those words wash over you for a moment.</p>

<p>(Keeping this one :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>Andover is my backup school with a 13% acceptance rate, seeing as I was waitlisted at Groton when theirs was 12%.</p>

<p>To anyone who doesn’t “know” me, I’m kidding.</p>

<p>80s music a topic of serious discussion/argument in our household - nice to hear there are still some diehards out there</p>

<p>If you guys are looking for some good music check out the Arctic Monkeys!! Their new album is awesome and Alex Turner’s (lead singer) british accent is icing on the cake!</p>

<p>I like their older stuff much better than the new album. Same with the strokes.</p>

<p>How’s this for rambling?..Does anyone remember those little butter cookies that were shaped like flowers? They were thin and crispy and had a hole in the middle so you could put it on your index finger and nibble around the edge, or that’s what I always did. Has anyone seen something like this in a store recently? Nabisco doesn’t make them anymore. </p>