Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>K2 and CK have the same sense of humor. :)</p>

<p>I fell in love with Exeter’s peanut butter grinder! The way they have their menus displayed is amazing. The best part is that everything is labeled gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan, etc…</p>

<p>For my own weird sense of humor I have been looking at boarding school menus to see if any serve tater tots. In doing so it seems different schools express different personality by what the serve. I noticed St. Paul’s as one schools with a lot of the self serve bars for everything like some kind of mini Las Vegas. They get a pass however for what I think was a sit down dinner and the entire menu was rice, beans, bread and water. Exeter seems to hope if you enter as an omnivore by the time you graduate you should be a vegetarian but vegan would be better. Deerfield and Groton seem to say; this is what our family is having for dinner; we made a little something for your vegetarian friend and if you do not like what were are eating have a bagel. Andover with 7 themed dinning stations on 2 floors, you can have what ever you want and never sit with anyone you don’t. Never did find tater tots on a menu but I would give most likely to have tater tots to Berkshire, they listed homemade chicken nuggets on the menu. Elephant scab = veal? Reminds me of the roach coach driver at work who is fond of saying its veal as far as you know. </p>

<p>ForkNotTaken - The rice & bean dinners at SPS happen once per term and are called Goodwill Dinners. The money the school saves by offering them over a regular dinner is donated to local charities that help hunger. Not a bad message to send but I know its a big night for pizza deliveries later in the evening. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Rice and beans are underrated. </p>

<p>@london203 I feel like we went to the same school!</p>

<p>I liked the rice and bean dinner when I noticed it on the menu. Now that I know the reason I like it all the more. Thanks Doschicos</p>

<p>What do your kids crave when they come home? I thought I was so clever… cooking and freezing meals and there’s already a huge dent in the supply. TWO King Ranch Casseroles (meant to serve 6-8) gone. It’s totally insane. </p>

<p>I think what she craves most is the total flexibility – to eat what and where she wants. That said, she did eat the entire box of ice cream sandwiches all by herself.</p>

<p>@GMC2918 – maybe we did!</p>

<p>@neatoburrito- Oreo Pancakes… Wow! I’ve never had those before…</p>

<p>Mercersburg has tator tots at breakfast but not every day. I forget what they call them. D says she eats a bowl of them when they have them. Breakfast is when she says they have the best food…egg white omelets, fresh fruit, Oreo pancakes, etc. Hey, if you’re gonna pig out, breakfast is the best time to do so.</p>

<p>ZooBoy already worried about the fact that should he end up in New England that he is going to likely have to forego his favorite breakfast staple, grits. This is ironic b/c when I went to BS (a southern"hidden gem") I had no idea what the bowl of white stuff always on the breakfast lineup was. Became a convert and never looked back…now reverse situation possible with ZB.</p>

<p>My family doesn’t cook. I make pretty much all of my meals–many from scratch. </p>

<p>@stargirl3 you impress me more & more every day!</p>

<p>Zookeeper - maybe not! My daughters school listed grits on the menu the other day. It won’t be daily by you could send a few boxed with him and he can add the hot water! Where there’s a will there’s a way!</p>

<p>All CK craves when he comes home is sleep and his cat. He’ll eat just about anything. He comes home tomorrow. Counting the hours…</p>

<p>ForkNotTaken: You are correct. Berkshire does occasionally serve tater tots.</p>

<p>I picked up CameoKid after her final exams a week ago and she was only home a few hours when she became pale and very feverish… Dr says it’s a bad case of flu… I guess the flu shot wasn’t terribly effective this time around. She has spent the first week of spring break in bed… And has completely lost her voice… So I’m getting less info about school from her than usual… :frowning: </p>

<p>ChoatieMom! CK loves his kitty? I like that kid more every time you post about him!</p>

<p>cameo: London Kid had flu Christmas break - same scenario. I think they get run down and catch things easily, especially at end of term.</p>