Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>Yep, I think the last few weeks of the term, they run on adrenalin alone. I’m glad she’s home so I can take care of her. I wish she didn’t feel so awful, but I have to say that I am enjoying feeling very needed. </p>

<p>I’m going to miss the dog and cat even if they don’t like me. </p>


<p>cameo: He thinks the cat is his, but I feed him, so you know who gets the purrs. Also, he has worked the cat into his exercise routine, “cat curls” he calls them. Poor animal. I’m pretty sure I saw a look of alarm in his eyes when I said, “Your boy is coming home today.”</p>

<p>When I was in the car yesterday with the boys, I asked them to call their cousin ( who is waiting for decisions) on speaker and offer support. You know… and maybe some kind words of encouragement. What did my poor nephew get?</p>

<p>( **** bad word) is about to get real, buddy!! How are you feeling???</p>

<p>Not what I had in mind, fellas. Not what I had in mind…</p>

<p>Had to share this momentous occasion:
Just opened kitchen garbage can to see SSAT prep book thrown unceremoniously into it by either my wife or younger daughter. The end of an era.</p>

<p>@PhotogMom, bad kitty is back</p>

<p>Oh yeah, that SSAT book. We burned ours. Seriously.</p>


<p>Failed. Was trying to see if the bolding would carry from a cut and paste so I could prettify “Official” list tonight.</p>

<p>The only way I got that to work (in previous posts) was to do it in Word and paste it over… not really a good solution.</p>

<p>@SevenDad How did 7D2 fare?</p>

<p>@SevenDad D got into SAS today. Didn’t get to visit bc of snowstorm. Skyped the interview. Saw you have children there. How many applicants did they have this year? We are seeing it for first time on revisit day.</p>

<p>@stargirl3: She received a few admits and one rejection…thanks for asking. Been thinking of you all day and still have fingers crossed.</p>

<p>@Msclvr721: I am one of the more active advocates of St. Andrew’s here on the forum. Older daughter is a third-year Fifth Former and we love the school…only reason younger daughter did not apply is that she is an elite athlete in a sport not fielded by SAS and competition sched. means a few long weekends out of school every year — not a good fit for a SAS due to Sat classes and mandatory chapel, etc. PM me any questions you have and best wishes for beautiful weather when you revisit. </p>

<p>Note: Though we stayed at the Hampton Inn (the only hotel in Middletown) for revisit day, it’s only because we didn’t know any better. Better deals can be had in nearby Bear/Newark/Christiana area. We usually stay at the Courtyard by Marriott.</p>

<p>Bad Kitty is back!! </p>

<p>@Msclvr721: a revisit to St. Andrew’s will introduce your family to Mr. Roach in a more personal way, and that, along with other factors, really helped to make the decision for my eldest when he was deciding between SAS and another school your daughter was accepted to. I now have both a boy and a girl at St. Andrew’s, in the III and IV Forms. Would be happy to answer any questions, etc.</p>

<p>@7Dad, I might be able to help “prettify” the list if you show me what it looks like with one example.</p>

<p>@SevenDad- For some reason I had trouble with the cut and paste thing over on the decisions thread. My apologies… Everyone that can help me is sleeping right now. I should be sleeping right now…</p>

<p>Re: Prettifying…I’ll get to it this week sometime…taking a few days off for college visits with my older girl while she’s on Spring Break…</p>

<p>Thanks. Here I am thinking I should get an elaborate fruit basket from my sister- when it is you @SevenDad that should get one :slight_smile: Thanks for doing the thread. It worked out very well ! </p>

<p>Well, better than last year at least, right?</p>