Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>After a workout or camp, CK is not allowed to enter the house expect through the laundry room where he must strip, toss all into the washer, and head for the shower. When he was younger and returning from summer Boy Scout camp, I used to hose him off before allowing him to enter. Boys are biohazards. It’s just genetic, I guess.</p>

<p>Do schools use Hazmat or regular cleaning services during breaks? I’d like to think Hazmat. I’ve noticed things over the years (in boys dorm rooms) that should have been collected and sent off to a lab… </p>

<li>Note to new parents: I’m having fun, but the state of some dorms at the end of each term can be a bit of an eye-opener. :)<br></li>

<p>Thank you, ChoatieMom, for reminding me to bring inside the camping gear that was hung outside to dry/disinfect from my K2’s weekend camping. It was sunny and nice to dry things out but it would have gotten frosty and wet over night. I always pack sets of neatly folded clothes and am ready for loads of laundry on return but the boys come home wearing whatever they left with and no need for big laundry day. I should stop packing clothes altogether. </p>

<p>Yeah, it’s Lord of the Flies out there.</p>

<p>I love my kids dearly and know I’m not going to win Mother of the Year for saying this, but… hasn’t this vacation gone on long enough? </p>

<p>On our end…due to a service trip in week 1, 7D2 sport-related family trip week 2, it’s been nice to have this last week with 7D1…you know, to argue about college lists and pester her about getting her summer work applications together. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: </p>

<p>LOL, photomom! I know what you mean. It does feel surreal sometimes and I can’t help wonder if this sleep deprived game obsessed kid is the same kid who pulled those A’s and got so much done away from home at school… After a while, I do have the same feeling as you do. Enough of the break. Go back to your “productive life” already!</p>

<p>Sadly for us, we’ve never had ChoatieKid for both weeks of spring break. He’s home the first week and then off to FL for pre-season training so, no, it’s not long enough for me. :(</p>

<p>Had a couple of GMTson’s schoolmates over for a week of skiing. They all piled into one room. Didn’t know it was possible for such stinky smells to emanate from a room.</p>

<p>My husband picked up our 7th grader and some friends after an hour at the trampoline park. All I can say is, middle school boys don’t seem to have gotten the message about deodorant yet.</p>

<p>Haha about vacation needing to be over. LondonKid went back a week early to attend pre-season sailing… she is staying with a day student family. I am very sure she will be nicer to them than she is to me. :frowning: Re-entry home is hard for my kid. Believe it or not, she has less freedom at school and yet she can’t wait to go back. LOL I think she really misses the “freedom” of being responsible for herself… Summer should be interesting. :smiley: </p>

<p>I confess I wish she hadn’t gone early. It takes until the 3rd week to settle into a “home” routine… we had just gotten there and <em>poof</em> off she went. </p>

<p>I thought all the middle schoolers were rocking Axe sprays these days. Or is that trend over already?</p>

<p>Axe hasn’t hit friendlyson’s group of buddies yet. </p>

<p>Funny story though - friendlydaughter told me she walked into the common room in a boys’ dorm at school and the note on the whiteboard said: “Axe body spray is NOT a shower in a can!!”</p>

<p>…as for vacation being over, friendlydaughter is definitely ready for that. She spent the first week of spring break on a service trip in Appalachia and will end up with 2 weeks at home. Halfway through the second week she had seen everyone she wanted to see and was really missing her school friends. it made her very chatty about school which I’ve thoroughly enjoyed! Tomorrow is the last day of break for her and I already miss her even though she’s not gone yet.</p>

<p>If my husband had his wish, they would been dropped off a week ago with a tent and a Subway sandwich… </p>

<p>^^^ @SevenDad, Axe has been prominent in son’s kit since middle school, and would assume is seen liberally on upper floors of Founders Hall. ~O) </p>

<p>Axe, shower in a can, that’s hilarious. I remember sometime around 5th grade when CK asked if he could get some deodorant because he noticed that a lot of the boys smelled like potatoes and he didn’t want to smell like that. I couldn’t keep a straight face.</p>

<p>Ugh, my son has no sense of smell - literally, he has a medical condition that has caused (among other things) no sense of smell. DH and I might need to invest in some clothespins for our noses until deodorant truly becomes a regular habit! </p>

<p>Non sequitur: I am currently digging this song:
<a href=“Courtney Barnett - Avant Gardener - YouTube”>Courtney Barnett - Avant Gardener - YouTube;

<p>“Avant Gardner” by Courtney Barrett. Sort of a younger, more mumblecore version of Lucinda Williams.</p>

<p>Come to think of it, this thread should actually be named “Non Sequitur”. :)</p>