Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>@sevendad: Coincidence? Bob Dylan is the umpire of this lyrically magical song? </p>

<p>7D: is that what passes for music these days? I must be getting old; I can’t listen to that for more than ten seconds. I watch with my head cocked sideways and say, huh?</p>

<p>@CM: If you even knew the pop musical acts I DON’T mention here!</p>

<p>I will now go back to playing Aaron Copland’s Tender Land Suite…:wink: (All kidding aside, one of my favorites of all time…the operetta, too.)</p>

<p>Staying with the music thread…My D is a big John Green fan so I’ve used his self-professed love of The Mountain Goats to really form a bond with my D. She was stunned to find out her dad is also a big fan and so I introduced her to a lot more of their music. It definitely upped my “coolness” factor! For those of you not familiar, The Mountain Goats are primarily one man, John Darnielle, who is one of the best songwriters of the past 30 years. His vocals may not be for everyone, but he writes with such imagery and emotion and it really helped my D draw parallels between her favorite author and one of my favorite bands/songwriters. </p>

<p>Aaron Copland, now I’m with you 7D.</p>

<p>Am going to check that out. I also have a John Green fan in the house…</p>

<p>London–be warned that he’s a pretty raw songwriter…writes a lot of autobiographical stuff (his stepfather was an abusive alcoholic)…he was heavily into meth for awhile…but honestly, one of the best songwriters ever IMO. More info than you need: of the dozens of albums, there are 3 “concept” albums which are classics in the music world: Sunset Tree (about him growing up with his alcoholic and abusive stepfather); Tallahasee (the quintessential Goats album (story of a dysfunctional married couple); and We shall all be healed (chronicles his meth addiction). I know it all sounds so horrible, but you really have to just listen and appreciate his ability to tell stories.</p>

<p>Tallahassee is a classic.</p>

<p>I must have a mushy soft spot for singing nuns-- I just love watching this!
<a href=“Singing nun spurs jaw-dropping reaction on 'The Voice of Italy'”>Singing nun spurs jaw-dropping reaction on 'The Voice of Italy';

<p>Not sure what makes me smile bigger: Sister Cristina’s enthusiasm as she belts out Alicia Keys, or the how emotional the tatooed rapper judge gets… </p>

<p>Here’s a youtube link to the performance
<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube;

<p>@GMTplus7…What/who is the character in your photograph, and why is it holding an assault rifle?</p>

<p>granny2: Check the “Discuss Your Avatar” thread in the café. I’m sure GMT will chime in here with more detail, but he posts there that he chose Kalashnikov Kitty because it’s “subversive.” He changed it to something else before going back to Kitty after M10 as he needed to do a little butt-kicking.</p>

<p>You don’t mess with the Kitty.</p>

<p>Isn’t it Goodbye Kitty?</p>

<p>@stargirl3: LOLOLOLOLO… Hahaahaahhaa!</p>

<p>To keep my HBO subscription at a discount, I had to accept a bundle offer which included Showtime. I’m glad I did because now I am having a great time catching up on Homeland. Interestingly, I think I just caught an episode here on CC. Apparently, someone joined CC with two ID’s simultaneously and posted like “normal people” for a while. Then BOOM the secrete agenda were suddenly carried out with a blast… It just goes to show, among other things about this poster, how addictive CC is? Once you have had a taste of the anonymous fun on here, you can never quit! :)</p>

<p>Haha, Benley! this might be your best post ever!</p>

<p>Suddenly and without warning, she starts to miss wet towels left on the floor, dishes stacked in the sink and her car missing from the driveway… </p>

<p>My favorite quote from Photodad Spring Break: I put both of you though three years of Montessori Preschool and you can’t wash dishes or load a dishwasher?</p>

<p>Anyone see “Grand Hotel Budapest” yet?</p>

<p>No! But I was just saying last night that I want to. Did you see it? It looks crazy, but I love the trailers…</p>