Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>No, but I just watched The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel last night, for the third time. I’ll have to check out Budapest.</p>

<p>I loved The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel… </p>

<p>We watched Harold and Maude ( I love that soundtrack and movie) and Being There back to back when the kids were home. Always fun to share movies (you love) with your kids… </p>

<p>We are Wes Anderson freaks chez Seven, and have not yet made time to see GHB yet. Probably going to see the new Muppet Movie (loved the most recent one as well as the older ones) this weekend…on 7D2’s “Things to do over Spring Break” list and she goes back to school on Monday.</p>

<p>Fun. GHB is on my list! I have to admit that, while I will probably hate it, I want to see Mr. Peabody. I loved Rocky and Bullwinkle growing up…</p>

<p>and, for the record, I love love loved The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. </p>

<p>I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Muppet Treasure Island.</p>

<p>GBH is attractive, and fun, but doesn’t draw you in like the characters do in Moonrise Kingdom. We will see Muppets tonight or tomorrow night, just on Tina alone. </p>

<p>I’m seeing the sensory-friendly version of the Muppets tomorrow with Best Buddies. :)</p>

<p>@PhotographerMom I put both of mine through 3 years of Montessori too. I clearly remember one of their favorite activities to show during parent conference was “washing hands” properly (for the length of a song - happy birthday or 30 seconds or whatever.) I see Montessori tuition wasted as I never see them washing hands for longer than 3 seconds. Other favorite activities were using squeeze to wash window, shoe shining, desk cleaning, … - I’ve never seen them try those at home.</p>

<p>If I could take three trips anywhere in a time machine, I think I’d waste one of them going back to tell my toddler/preschooler raising self to please stop obsessing because the children would retain NOTHING they are taught at that age. Except the books I read them, and that’s probably because they heard and reread them themselves so many times. </p>

<p>Okay music gurus: give me some good background music for a slideshow movie thingy I’m putting together for my kid for graduation . General themes: sports, friends, family, music/drama, scouts. Something that will not cause my child to sigh deeply and roll his eyes as he listens. Choatie Mom need not reply as I don’t think he’s sophisticated enough to appreciate Barry Gibb yet… :)</p>


I’m not going back to any time before penicillin</p>

<p>…or pre-Barry Gibb. :)</p>

<p>I used to insist that I remembered when my (older) brother was born. </p>

<p>Maybe have a look here? <a href=“Home - B_Borst”>http://www.bobborst.com/popculture/songoftheyear/&lt;/a&gt;
My thinking is you could choose the top song from each year covered in the slideshow… or maybe just the top 3 from each year of high school? You get the idea!</p>

<p>@payn4ward- So funny! I’ll never forget attending an Open House (before we enrolled K1) and the look on my husband’s face when a current parent stood up and described (sobbing) how her three year old can pour water from a pitcher without spilling ( cue wild applause from the audience ). PhotoDad called Montessori tuition: Cult Dues. </p>

<p>@classicalmama-: Maybe Coldplay- Clocks? </p>

<p>@ChoatieMom- Here’s a hip band with a Bee Gees vibe : <a href=“Broken Bells - Holding on for Life (Official Video) - YouTube”>Broken Bells - Holding on for Life (Official Video) - YouTube; (full disclosure- I haven’t watched the video in it’s entirety ) I love their song “After the Disco”, too. </p>

<p>@london203 Great list. I was going to make a snarky comment about how deeply unhip my parents were as I never heard them play one of those greatest songs from the years after my birth…and then I looked at the songs from the years right after my first child’s birth. What happened to THAT decade in my life? </p>

<p>I could give this whole thing a dark twist. Maybe “Somebody That I Used to Know” with slides of his friends from elementary school that he barely talks to anymore when he’s home? “Thrift Ship” with pics of him in his prep school wardrobe? </p>

<p>Before anyone gets too worried about the activities at BS please know that our school is not in the US.
Now for my ramble: Son’s school is planning an excursion for the class officers. When S mentioned it I thought it would be one of those team bonding trips with camping and hiking. I just found out they are going to bungee jump and I’m not happy at all. I sent a letter to the school forbidding my S to participate. School probably thinks I’m a nag and S embarrassed. Oh well. </p>

<p>My son is hoping to go skydiving to celebrate his BS graduation in a year. Yikes.</p>

<p>@muf, I would have forbade bungy-jumping too. Safety standards overseas are not what they are in the U.S.</p>

<p>DS’s previous int’l school was going to take 6th graders scuba diving. Like I was going to trust a bunch of 12 year olds to mind breathing equipment and decompression management when they can’t be relied on to pick up their socks from the floor. </p>


<p>Don’t the vibe you are going for (nostalgic or “rise up young man”), but here are some songs that shouldn’t invoke too much eye rolling…</p>

<p>I happen to like this song (“Youngblood” The Naked and Famous):
<a href=“The Naked And Famous - Young Blood - YouTube”>The Naked And Famous - Young Blood - YouTube;

<p>Somewhat dated (and corny?), but Green Day’s “Time of your Life” has been used when they do those montages during the Olympics:
<a href=“Green Day - Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) [Official Music Video] [4K UPGRADE] - YouTube”>Green Day - Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) [Official Music Video] [4K UPGRADE] - YouTube;

<p>Aloe Blacc’s “The Man” has been used to good effect in Beats headphone commercials this year:
<a href=“Aloe Blacc - The Man (Explicit) - YouTube”>Aloe Blacc - The Man (Explicit) - YouTube;

<p>Fitz & The Tantrums “The Walker” is a great “psych up” song:
<a href=“Fitz And The Tantrums - The Walker [Official Music Video] - YouTube”>Fitz And The Tantrums - The Walker [Official Music Video] - YouTube;

<p>“Stronger” by Kanye (may blow his mind that his mom is dropping some Kanye on him…look for the “clean” version, though):
<a href=“Kanye West - Stronger - YouTube”>Kanye West - Stronger - YouTube;

<p>“Pumpin Blood” by Nonono:
<a href=“NONONO - Pumpin Blood (Official Video) - YouTube”>NONONO - Pumpin Blood (Official Video) - YouTube;

<p>“Can’t Hold Us” Macklemore:

<p>In other news, Muppets was good fun…I think my wife and I laughed more than the kids, though…</p>