Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>Ooh SevenDad… I am buying a few of those. I also like Youngblood, but didn’t know what it was called.
And, maybe not for the slidehow, but I LOVE this song:</p>

<p><a href=“Naughty Boy - La la la ft. Sam Smith (Official Video) - YouTube”>Naughty Boy - La la la ft. Sam Smith (Official Video) - YouTube;
Naughty Boy “La la la”</p>

<p>How about the old Bobby Goldsboro, “Watching Scotty Grow?” (I know, I need to stay away from music threads.)</p>

<p>ZooBoy tool his young cousins to the Muppet movie this weekend- pains me that he “tolerated” the movie but didn’t “enjoy”. I loved me some Muppet action as a kid!</p>

<p>If we are going back a few decades…I have always appreciated Wes Anderson for introducing this song to me via his film “Rushmore”:
<a href=“"Ooh La La" Rushmore ending - Ronnie Lane - YouTube”>"Ooh La La" Rushmore ending - Ronnie Lane - YouTube;

<p>The Faces (yes, that is Rod Stewart singing)</p>

<p>@ChoatieMom, I’m worse than you; I would go back even further and use Malvina Reynolds’ song “Turn Around” (sung by Harry Belafonte or other). I’m pretty sure there is a boy version somewhere.</p>

<p>@7dad: Kanye would be worth it just for the mouth drop that would replace the eyeroll. Thanks–such a hipster parent you are…downloading NONONO now.</p>

<p>Glad I could be somewhat helpful. I don’t know about “hipster”, but thankfully keeping at least a pinky toe in pop culture is is a job requirement!</p>

<p>I can play Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) on guitar. :D</p>

<p>I have a really bad suggestion…</p>

<p>Sunrise, sunset from fiddler on the roof.</p>

<p>And a good one</p>

<p>How you like me now by the heavy. Seriously funky tune</p>

<p>Wes Anderson! We brought our 13-year-old to see Grand Budapest Hotel this weekend. He was most entertained.</p>

<p>Now if Kanye did a remix of Sunrise Sunset…</p>

<p>@classicalmama: There is still time left in his career to tackle that. I’m a huge Kanye fan, btw. But before Kimye.</p>

<p>^It would be
Even worse</p>

<p>@classicalmama: Another possible song…</p>

<p>Foster The People “Coming of Age” (new album)
<a href=“Foster The People - Coming of Age (Official Video) - YouTube”>Foster The People - Coming of Age (Official Video) - YouTube;

<p>Here’s a VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION for the parents of BS daughters: What height Bean Boot does your D prefer? I was going to get 7D2 6-inchers, but don’t know that I like the silo as much as the higher ones?</p>

<p>Yes, I know, I could just ask her…but what fun would that be!?!</p>

<p>@SevenDad 8" is better for snow, but since few teenage girls are into functionality, 6" is the most popular.</p>

<p>All the girls I know get the 8" boot. And, if it is at all cold, the Thinsulate ones are the bomb.</p>

<p>Another vote for 8" with Thinsulate. Nothing worse than snow or puddles dripping down the inside of your boot.</p>

<p>Thanks all!</p>

<p>The other bonus to the Thinsulate ones is sometimes they are in stock where the “plain” ones aren’t!
And as to looks, there is no difference</p>

<p>Here’s a question about the thinsulate ones…are they more prone to getting hot/sweaty (in say, spring use) than the regular ones?</p>