Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>I like both, seaweed and nutella. :)</p>

<p>Nutella on bread has been a breakfast staple in our house for as long as I can remember. YUM!!</p>

<p>First time I had Nutella was at boarding school. I won’t tell you how long ago that was, but I seem to recall the best thing to eat it on was a spoon. :slight_smile: Seaweed (ick) is a current fave for LondonKid - she even spent her birthday Amazon money on it. I had to Priority Mail huge quantities of Cadbury Crème Eggs during exam week (also ick). </p>

<p>My DS has definitely become a Nutella addict, after mocking all the “blond girls” who ate it every meal for the first half a year. Also loves some Korean fruit chewy candy he got from a friend-- closest American version called “hi Chew”-- many favors, grape his favorite. Really? GRAPE???</p>

<p>Hi Chew! Yes!! We found it at a local store and she went nuts. Bought 3 bags for one of her teachers… said they got extra credit for bringing it! LOL</p>

<p>i70s band: Thanks sooooo much. My computer just crashed, taking my movie making abilities with it, though I think I have my draft saved safely in dropbox. The voiceover idea is a great one–will have to work on that when and if I ever recapture my movie… In the meantime, I’ll be running through those music suggestions!</p>

<p>Snack foods. Nutella on saltines (though maybe not for the kids as saltines are our family’s go to feeling sick food–the sight of the box makes them feel better on the spot, but they don’t eat them when they’re feeling good). My son’s snack addiction is dried mangoes–sweet, nutritious, caloric–the athlete’s dream food. </p>

<p>My family was introduced to Nutella when the kids were very young and we lived abroad. It seems to be Europe’s version of Peanut Butter. My kids used to eat it by the spoonful but I always thought it was sickening sweet. I just don’t keep it in the house as they would eat a whole jar in a sitting.</p>

<p>D brings mostly things from Trader Joe’s back to BS, lots of nuts (she especially likes those handful packets they sell). She has developed an addiction to some sort of wasabi flavored things that look like dried chick peas. Not even sure what they are but they don’t look appetizing to me. </p>

<p>I drove ten hours in the car with the boys last summer while they snacked endlessly on Clif bars, seaweed, dried fruit and beef jerky- ( beef jerky was a new addition after a rest stop- I hear you @cameo). Both kids are over 6’2 and weigh 195lbs. The night before our departure we had dinner at a wonderful Thai restaurant. All the snacks I packed were meant to last the week but unbeknownst to me- they ate everything during the first four hours in the car…</p>

<p>The first five hours were great- lots of music and conversation, but the back five: easily the longest five hours of my life. Even the toll people leaning forward to hand me a ticket snapped back in horror. The border agents practically threw our passports at us and waved us quickly thru. When we arrived at our destination, all the windows in the car had been down for hours (not that it helped- because AC (on the HOTEST day of the year) ) was no longer an option and I was practically crying. I evacuated the car without caring if I had put it in park or even turned off the ignition. Before I entered the hotel, I turned around and there they were doubled over and laughing their heads off… Teenage boys (even though you love them very much) are disgusting. It took a full week to air out the car and two bottles of hotel conditioner to get the knots out of my hair. </p>

<p>This summer when we make the trip again, I’m going to hand them each a banana and a bottle of water and tell them to knock themselves out. Never again.</p>

<p>My favorite way to eat nutella is with a spoon. My second favorite way to eat it is on shortbread cookies. I dont care for it on bread. </p>

<p>Just tried Nutella on a spoon thinking I didn’t give it a fair shake. Nope. Still not happening even though I really wanted to like it. Trader Joe’s chocolate dipped potato chips on the other hand are beyond amazing . :slight_smile: I’ll probably be the woman wearing a muu-muu on the beach this summer…</p>

<p>I bought the boys each a giant Peep for their Easter care package but sadly feel I have to enclose a note saying: DON"T YOU DARE PUT THIS IN THE MICROWAVE.</p>

<p>Although I ate Nutella by the jarful in high school I don’t really care for it. Something about nut flavoring that gets me. I am not a fan of anything almond- flavored either. It’s weird, if you gave me plain chocolate spread and I put it on REAL hazelnuts, I’d like it. </p>

<p>All this reminds me of hagelslag… in Holland they put chocolate jimmies (or shavings, they have both versions) on buttered bread. This is a normal kids breakfast…must be their version of PopTarts. :)</p>

<p>Just to chip in here, why eat nutella by the spoonful when you can just eat regular chocolate? </p>

<p>I’m not a huge fan of its flavor.</p>

<p>^^^I like you mrnephew!</p>

<p>PB&Co chocolate peanut butter is the bomb. </p>

<p>@nrnephew, creamy things>>> it’s why peanut butter is better than peanuts :)</p>

<p>ChoatieMom - :slight_smile: </p>

<p>stargirl - depends on the situation. Peanut butter and peanuts taste completely different. Nutella and chocolate are very similar. </p>

<p>Both nutella and chocolate get stuck in my teeth. It’s annoying.</p>

<p>When something is stuck in my teeth I just say I’m saving it for dessert!</p>

<p>I like(d) the taste of Nutella but I despise the way it is advertised as a health food. It’s basically a candy bar in smooth form. </p>

<p>Nutella is my weakness. I am powerless in its thrall. By the spoonful right out of the jar is my preferred vector. </p>

<p>Largely irrelevant news item: skyped with my Italy boy today who out of the blue mentioned that he’s bringing Nutella with him when he comes home because it’s WAY better in Italy. My guess is everything tastes way better in Italy.</p>

<p>Like pizza, and pasta, and bread…</p>