Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>the word “tempeh” reminds me of tempura. (Just a random thought.)</p>

<p>My mom and I always say we’re losing our tempeh. :D</p>

<p>^^Ha! Reminds me of when I was living in Boston and someone wrote this on a napkin and asked me to pronounce it: PSDS</p>

<p>Say it in a wicked Boston accent. What does it say?</p>

<p>Isn’t that the thing that 12 year old girls like to get? :D</p>


<p>I’m lost. </p>

<p>I GET IT! I had to Google it. Oops. :p</p>

<p>(By the way, I still don’t have mine. :D)</p>

<p>“Pierced Ears” for those still wondering.</p>

<p>Whoa. “PSDS” stands for “pierced ears”? Did I miss out on something?</p>

<p>(@london203 Heh heh. I actually got my ears pierced when I was 12! But pierced ears are much * much * cooler when you’re a preteen. After a while the hype dies down and you find it excruciating having to clean your earrings regularly– especially when there are so many great TV shows out there.)</p>

<p>My friend had her second hole by age 9. :)</p>

<p>boardingschoolx: It doesn’t “stand” for “pierced ears,” it is the actual Boston-accent pronunciation for “pierced ears.” If you were to say to a South End native, “I have PSDS,” that person would look at you and say, “So what?”</p>

<p>pee-ahs dee-ahs</p>

<p>P S D S</p>

<p>@ChoatieMom I am so glad you provided that clarification. It might be funnier if people posted what they thought it was. Reminds me of the time someone told me that they thought the old reggae song “I shot the Sheriff” was “I shot the cherry”. </p>

<p>Shortly after we moved to the west, a friend requested we meet him at the local Whattaburger. We laughed our socks off when we saw the sign – we were looking for “Water Burger” as we hadn’t lost our Boston ears yet.</p>

<p>On a charity Christmas project back in college, we read needy kids’ letters to Santa and then bought the gifts they’d asked for. We donned costumes from the threater dept. to venture out into the neighborhood and deliver the gifts. But 2 students from the South didn’t hear the directions correctly when they were told to “dress up as elves”. So there we were on Christmas Eve… Santa, Mrs. Claus, and a couple of goofy guys in gold lame jumpsuits with capes and sunglasses… :)</p>

<p>@ChoatieMom and @cameo43 thanks for the riotous laughs. Now, you made me miss a Whattaburger. You don’t find them on the East coast. They were the only fast food burger that actually gave you all the fixings. Sadly, on my visits down South I have discovered that they are shrinking in size and taking on too many characteristics of the other chains.</p>

<p>Anyone know of Cheeburger Cheeburger?</p>

<p>^^Yes,there is one in our area. It does not have a drive through so I would not put it in the same category as the big chains. Does the one in your area have a drive through?</p>

<p>Cheeburger Cheeburger is good, but I like Five Guys better. Cheeburger’s strong suit is milkshakes.</p>

<p>¡¡¡IN-N-OUT FOR THE WIN!!!</p>