Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>19 school days! :slight_smile: :))</p>

<p>Ugh. I have 21 left.</p>

<p>15 more school days for me!</p>

<p>Honestly, I’m ambivalent about the end of the school year. I’m looking forward to not having to wake up at 6 AM every Monday to Friday, but I’m definitely going to miss my friends :(( </p>

<p>Oh, @london203- I feel your pain. That is K2’s signature move. Safe travels!!</p>

<p>oh wow! I’m out of school already! </p>

<p>@Readyforwork I. Am. So. Jealous.</p>

<p>Not so ready for work, 'eh?</p>

<p>I have just been asked to pack while she is in her last exam! LOL will probably do so out of a sense of self preservation – would just have to re-pack it all anyhoo. :D</p>

<p>Haha, that’s probably me next year.</p>

<p>At my kid’s school, there are two BIG closets in each room! and they are allowed to fill one closet in their new room and leave it there over the summer (the closet doors lock). ;:wink: </p>

<p>Now that is cool. I wish we got something like that. Alas, I’m probably going to end up putting most of my things in a day student’s house next year. Make friends with day students, people.</p>

<p>London/Photomom–What!!! How are your kids coming home so soon??? CK doesn’t come home til June 8th! We picked the wrong BS I guess. </p>

<p>LondonKid’s last exam is Thursday and they kick them out pretty quick after that! When does Coate start in Septemer? Maybe that is where the difference occurs?</p>

<p>No. No. No. A late departure date like June 8th means WE picked the wrong BS. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I could have used the extra week I thought I had… but I’m ready now. </p>

<p>(I think) </p>

<p>PS I need to stop using my phone without my glasses on! Sorry for typos - hopefully you all know me well enough by now to know I can actually spell quite well!</p>

<p>I kan cpell to!</p>

<p>Bk 2 skl aftr Lbr Day. Ha! Lv txting like a kid. Had nice dinner at Turkish restaurant on the Yale campus. Enjoying nightcap at hotel. Will take CK out to dinner tomorrow night and fly back home Tues. School ends June 5th (or 6th?), but he is staying on campus for SAT IIs June 7th and flying back home on the 8th. Good thing we are spared packing/pickup. I could hardly stand the stuffiness and curious odor of his room when we dropped him off tonight. Not sure there isn’t some e-bola percolating in there.</p>

<p>I always text with proper spelling and grammar. Twitter’s 140 character limit is my enemy. :-SS </p>

<p>Random thought: if the original @stargirl ever comes back on CC, she’ll be bombarded with notifications from everyone on the prep school thread. :x :-SS 8-} </p>