Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@gusmom2000: To add/change your picture, click on the spiked wheel in the upper righthand corner of the screen to the right of your name, choose Preferences, and then Change My Picture on the lefthand side of the Preferences screen. I vote for the bourbon.

Well, that was remarkably easy. When I checked under preferences, I neglected to look at the sidebars. Silly me.

Nice @gusmom2000!

Look what kind of messages we’re sending to the kids! :slight_smile:

It is with great honor that I announce my daughter has joined the Undead

@jdewey daughter, Way to go!

I keep telling her eating BRAINS is thuh best 8-X

Another non-sequitur, so may as well put in this thread…

This article was shared by a Facebook friend:

I happen to 1000% agree with the following paragraph, as self-hating as it may come across…

I’m talking to you, Asian parents. I see you with your flash cards, violin lessons, piano recitals, math drills, Kumon-everything. Quite frankly, it makes me want to scream. Not because I don’t believe in a rigorous education, or in setting high academic standards for kids. But because I’ve seen this dog-and-pony-show with my own eyes, way too many times. I know where it all leads. So many of you pay lip service to “encouraging creativity”, and sure, you’re proud of the odd watercolor painting here and there. And you’d probably come around if your child wanted to become a professional musician. But it’d better one of the traditionally prestigious orchestral positions (read: a cellist, and not, say a drummer in a punk band). You and I both know that within our communities, if little Kimmie wanted to study sculpture at a small, Midwestern, liberal arts college – 3/4 of you would freak the [expletive] out. We may not talk about this in public, but behind closed doors, away from “the other” Americans, many of us have acknowledged that this is an old, old record that we’ve heard in various iterations.

The fallacy in the argument of the above paragraph is being dedicated to academics and music somehow prevents you from being creative. Baseless argument from laid-back students and parents.

Has anyone read this thread from start to finish recently? I’m not sure if I would recommend it… but it was definitely a fun trip down Memory Lane on a lazy Sunday afternoon. ~O)

PhotoMom: You have way too much time on your hands. :wink:

Obviously. :wink:

Why kid about it. We should have a CC/BS Forum Virtual Garage Sale…

No!!! LOL. My comment was a response to a spam post that has been removed…

Oh, fine… just leave my post there to flap in the wind, @skieurope ! Nice! :slight_smile:

It wasn’t me, I don’t think @PhotographerMom But I deleted your post.

You’re the best! Thank you!!

Interesting. But you know why Asian Americans are "invisible" in Hollywood? Because Asian is still a tiny and relatively newer minority in this country. There's not much audience out there and Hollywood being box office driven as is decided it's not worth their investment. And when it comes to casting, an Asian face is not as potentially capable of bringing in revenue as a white face. Talking about ROI. Simple as that.

So, “partly” blame it on the notion that lots of Asian Americans pursue best colleges (but how about Vietnamese, Indonesians, filipino, etc.? Are they as much of “prestige mongers” as Chinese and Koreans? which is a topic for another day)? Well, you know there’s something similar here as blaming a girl wearing too short of a skirt for being raped. Why? Because it’s the Hollywood value to think that what you could also call “pursuit of excellence” boring. And just because there are commonalities among members of a racial group doesn’t mean they don’t have interesting stories of each of their own. There are stereotypes about Italian Americans. Does that mean Italians are all alike and there’s no value of telling stories about their lives?

This article is actually doing something opposite to what it’s promoting, which is to confidently speak up for yourself, and be rebellious to the mainstream and dominant perceptions. Let’s face it. Asian American as a racial group (whether that’s a reasonable categorization again is debatable) nowadays at least has “a reputation”, which is a “mixed bag” without further explanation. Is to further blend in to the middle class white European decedents the right way to get noticed and become less invisible, or is to further build on their own identity? Something to think about.

@PhotographerMom It turns out I didn’t post on here till January 2014 in the boot discussion. I like going back and liking all the good posts from before there was a like button. :wink:

So, I was just at my friendly neighborhood Kroger, and noticed all the school supply lists out. They didn’t have one for The Hill. I checked. :stuck_out_tongue:

^You get to buy expensive books now instead of just pens and binders, @gusmom2000. :smiley:

We haven’t started packing. Is this bad denial?
Move-in/registration day is in 12 days.

After much nagging, prodding, DS finally earned his Life scout rank before heading off to school. So a new profile photo.