Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@GoatMama in my defense DC goes to school with the kids of 2 of the 3.

^ I am just jealous. It’s a judgement-free thread! :slight_smile:

I figured out from some posts that I knew one of the posters IRL - our kids were in school together.

I met one IRL at a school event. I felt a little stalker-y, as I emailed her something like “Are you here? Is this you?” before going over. It is nice to put a face to a screen name though. I have established great, long friendships with people I have met on other message boards in the past. :slight_smile:

It seems @skieurope has been quietly trying to save me from myself. :slight_smile:

I’ve met a couple of kids (once, randomly, @SevenDad 's adorable and amazing D1), but no parents (although had a helpful phone conversation with @neatoburrito and remember feeling some shock that she was a REAL PERSON). I have only the vaguest suspicion of who @hellomaisy might be, although I’m sure she can easily tell who I am in the school directory. Unfortunately, I am much more annoying and awkward in real life than in print.

After all these years, I’ve only met one CC’er IRL…and she has become a wonderful friend and invaluable counsel. I have spoken to a few others on the phone as well as a couple of their Thacher-applying kids. I would drop most everything else to meet up for cocktails one night with the rest of the CC regulars. It would be a blast, so many great, witty, interesting personalities. I nominate @ChoatieMom as the organizer…you KNOW that’s our most direct path to fun.

@twinsmama I love that you’re refreshingly “normal” so I know they exist as BS parents ! :x

@sunnyschool, “Normal” is a word that has never been applied to me, so I take it as the highest of compliments. :slight_smile:

Not deliberately. But you’re only one post away @twinsmama

@sunnyschool: “Normal”'s just a setting on the washing machine. See link… :wink:


Thanks for the laugh, @cameo43. :slight_smile:

I’ve met a couple of CC parents in IRL and a couple of kids. I’ve always regretted not trying harder to organize a CC get-together somewhere within an hour or two of most of the NE BS over Parents Weekend since that event overlaps for so many of them. @ThacherParent – you crack me up. I’m rather shy IRL and borderline normal.

Thanks, @cameo43. “Normal is someone you don’t know well yet.” Another one for GoatDad’s repertoire…

@GoatMama What a great line!

^Courtesy of Bernice Lewis via @cameo43. I’m just channeling… being the psychic I am (a wink to @cameo43). ;))

I would like to add that I have never, to my knowledge, met any of y’all. I’m way too shy and awkward for that real life crap, but if you’re ever at the Hill and see a fat nerdy chic with (currently) green hair, come over and say hi. :slight_smile:

Travel arrangements due at noon today. STILL don’t know about baseball. Grrrrr…

I had the pleasure of meeting both @Charger78 and @SevenDad in person at NCSwimkid’s school. Both were very welcoming to our family and offered great advice for newbie BS parents. The same great advice they offer here on CC just a bit more specific to my son’s situation as a new sophomore : )

Has anyone come up with a signature cocktail for M9 yet?

@ChoatieMom - yes - bourbon. In a glass. It’s easy to make and oh so smooth. Best enjoyed with a good cigar on the deck while contemplating life. The perfect M9 combination is Jack Daniels Single Barrel Select and a box pressed La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor.

The Nervous Wreck…shot vodka, 1/2 shot chambord, splash cranberry juice, splash sprite…cheers!!