Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

You people should be drinking PBR, Pabst Blue Ribbon. Surprisingly hip and cool yet cheap. That’s all you’ll be able to afford with coming tuition bills. :smiley:

@doschicos I went to college so I wouldn’t have to drink cheap beer anymore. The hipsters’ recent adoption of PBR doesn’t make it taste any better.

Lol…@doschicos. I think being as close as I am to the border, it may be worthwhile to drive down for a $4 liter of tequila…then again…maybe not

@buuzn03 You can pick up some of that yummy cane sugar real coke for a mixer, too. :slight_smile:

You deserve a better bottle of tequila, really.

tequila and coke? :-&

Personally, I’d just drink the coke as I don’t care for tequila.

Actually, nor do I…but it was a fleeting thought…maybe I’ll just go buy every flavor of Ben & Jerry’s I can find…and maybe top them with various liqueurs…

Now you’re talking. Yeah, B&J’s is more my speed for dealing with the stresses of empty nest syndrome and big tuition bills. :smiley:

A friend discovered Tipsy Scoop, liquor-infused ice cream, and they ship! It’s pricey but also an incredibly decadent treat.

Had a taste at the “Rosebud” near Davis Square in Somerville, Mass., over the weekend. For M9 signature cocktail, am proposing an “Alaska”, comprised of New Amsterdam Gin, Yellow Chartreuse, and Regan’s Orange Bitters. Thoughtful bunch up there, as they have aged this cocktail in a barrel for ninety days! Mine will be just a baby when I tip it in honor of those would-be chilling on Thursday evening . . . good luck to all ((;

I stand by this one:


Here are some variations;


I prefer a version with Chambord that tastes like a chocolate-raspberry milkshake.

(@PhotographerMom can look away.)

I’ll try anything as long as you promise to hold my hair. :wink:

I’ve been on a Whiskey Sour kick lately. I have this obnoxious fondness for maraschino cherries now, too- which someone told me would happen when I reached to a certain age. Cough. The mix I use is somewhat gourmet- it’s a smoked honey whiskey sour mix which is pretty delish !

I’ve been inspired by all the amazing ways one can garnish a Bloody Mary, too. Interesting vegetables, whole hot and sweet peppers, colossal olives… on and on… We have a local BBQ place that adds a BBQ rib to their special Bloody Mary… and it is unbelievable!!

@PhotographerMom You need to try these cherries. Yum. A step above your pedestrian maraschino cherry.

@doschicos - I’m in!! Do you have a link?

someone needs to change this thread title to “miscellaneous ramblings… and booze!”

The Postman Shot seems appropriate for M9 ; ) A few of these and you may forget to check the mail until M11!

2 oz Absolut Vodka
1 oz 151 proof Rum (Bacardi)
2 oz Orange juice
1 oz Cranberry juice
1 splash Grenadine
Ice cubes


Oops! Sorry to have forgotten it, @PhotographerMom.

I had to check the date to make sure I was not responding to a post from 5 years ago. Nope, it’s from today.

PBR is cheap for sure, but I think the hip and cool 15 minutes for the brand ended in 2015, at least for the hip and cool people. :slight_smile: