Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Schools also occasionally admit borderline kids to get them away from their psycho families.

@cameo43 I was kidding, but then if you saw my post on the freak out thread, I think, you’ll see I have also lain awake worrying that my questions and/or answers during the interviews could have completely sunk my kids chances at acceptance. Lol. That being said, I think for the most part, barring the venting and commiserations of these anxiety provoked threads, we are all ok! I think for the first time as a parent, I’d like to move up the clock, but just for a few hours, to allow my heart rate to return to its baseline! Boarding school applications process is not for the faint at heart!!!

Would it be inappropriate to invite @SevenDad down for an Old Fashioned and commiseration over our daddy issues?

I clearly have a new purpose for keeping up with the CC. (Which, here in NJ, also means Chris Christie – ouch!)

I will take the opportunity, however, to thank those contributors, past and present, who spilled the ink here and have benefited the rest of us with solid intel and wisdom. Primarily about all things Admissions, but also about those other things that really matter :wink:

@Charger78: I do owe you a visit. Maybe when the car is back on the road.

Have I shared this video before?


You can add IMAGES?!?! @-) :open_mouth:

I think you just broke me …

@gnarwhail, now you’ve got me wondering! :slight_smile:

Well, now you’ve done it, @ChoatieMom. Opened Pandora’s Box. Some of these threads may turn into comic strips… :wink:

Gasp… are you questioning my level of responsibility @cameo43 ?

Oh wait… if its about level of self control… you might be on to something :wink:

I know this is true for at least one occasion. Very fortunate for the kid.

LOL @Atria, I wasn’t referring to you at all! I think there are a lot of posters who would like to add images to their posts… this may open up a whole new world!

At this rate…

I’m willing to bet ten bucks that all of us are going to wake up Friday morning and find bars on our avatars.

@PhotographerMom - that is exactly what I was thinking ;)!

This is not Instagram, so one should assume that a deluge of images will be deleted.

We’re all going to jail!

It’s kind of exciting isn’t it?

Can I come? I want to be with the cool kids.

I don’t think its any invitation (or voluntary) thing @london203 :wink: … but you are welcome to gatecrash and do jail-worthy behavior :smiley:

@london203 - Why is Photographermom’s turtle behind bars? Of course you can come!

@PhotographerMom FYI, I can’t “unsee” the turtle. I have to really work hard to see the camera. Maybe a cocktail will fix that. I am partial to Cruzan and Ginger Beer. Lime, of course.