<p>ok sarcasm is done...The Miss teen pagent seems so fake and useless to me....all the girls are basically based on looks and some community involvement....sheez...I know they work hard, but I just don't see the point</p>
<p>We watch it make fun of the big ole hair...okay we are mean</p>
<p>And the really bad chooregraphy</p>
<p>I can never tell if these are good or bad...while I appreciate the scholastic and athletic side and the service work, why parade around in evening gowns and sports wear...the purpose of that part I do not understand</p>
<p>I was surprised that the average gpa was around 3.6...One would think it would be much lower judging from the answers to the final questions....</p>
<p>And in order to be Miss Teen you need to be about 3 inches taller than the average teen. THe shortest girl I found is 5'3" the average seems to be 5'7"</p>
<p>^you're right. They all looked sort of the same - the vast majority were white, half were blondes and half were brunettes. Most had long hair that fell to the mid-back. The body types were all the same - very tall, very thin, not at all curvaceous. Their faces were pretty, but rather forgetable, mainly because they would be very average were they not done up with tons of makeup.</p>
<p>RickF: The questions themselves were cliche, but not terrible: "Do you think our generation is growing up too fast?", "Who would you be for a day and why?"...
The answers were ....not very intelligent to say the least.</p>
<p>And of course most of them are white. Most states, like Kansas or Nebraska or Montana, are overwhelmingly white. And honestly, the minority populations there aren't <em>generally</em> financially able to do pageants and the things pageant girls do.</p>
<p>I promise, most of them are overachieving type-A personalities just like CC people. Only prettier.</p>
<p>I think one year someone stick a man in the comp and see the barbies faces!Mind you with the kip of half of them looking like drags the guy would probably win!!</p>
<p>Lion has a point. The abundance of white females is in proportion to the nation-wide average. While the 'poor' minority status may be true, it shouldn't hinder the amount of minorities on the show. Possibly the white females are indeed more talented than the minorities. I'm sure many are CC-like. And I'm sure they are just as pretty if not uglier than CC females.</p>
<p>I'm sure the girls DO work hard, but there's something so shallow about the whole thing. It's kind of objectifying them because honestly, how many people watch the pageant to see how smart the girls are?</p>
<p>Aw it reminds me of Miss Congeniality
"Describe your ideal date"
"My ideal date would be...April 21 because it's not too hot and not too cold and all you need is a light jacket..." lol something like that :)</p>
<p>What we do sometimes defines who we are and so can you possibly imagine those girls' future if they dont win.They'll no doubt be portrayed as dim and "Blonde" indefinitley.(No offense to blonde ppl,I do have highlights!lol)I can just see them on shampoo adverts in years time haha!!</p>
<p>they can't be too smart if they agree to be on pageants.
i used to love to watch the miss america pageants on tv (until they lost their channel, those b*stards at abc!) but lets be real, these aren't the brightest (or most empowered) crayons in the box. My friends and I would always crack up at the token minority, because you just know she won't win. I mean, what is it? What does it even mean?</p>