Missing Items - SAT subject test, never taken!

<p>Well, esteemed fellows of the CC, I am an international student who eagerly aims for a Education in the United States of America! well to be more specific I applied to several institutions including some Ivy Leagues :o, and just as by serendipity last week I was summoned by one Ivy League top school for an interview, to be scheduled for february! brilliant! So after recklessly being out for 3 weeks with no internet connection at all, I logged into the university app tracking system and I had an unpleasant surprise: some items were missing, and these items were two SAT subject tests, which I never took indeed. The last possible date to take them had been at jan 22nd and this was on the 24th... ohhh man!!
Thus I came here to this solace-full forum to ask if my application is cancelled or cut off, if i am not able to fulfil all the requirements? can I replace those SAT subject for the ACT I have taken? Did I screwed up all my apps? should I contact them? what do you recommend?</p>

<p>My best wishes to all of you!</p>

<p>Have you given any thought to how you will explain it to the Ivys, so that it doesn’t seem like you were (a) not interested enough to actually look up the requirements, (b) not organized enough to actually look up the requirements, or (c) not pro-active enough to actually complete the requirements?</p>


<p>the question is: Am I totally rejected if I have missing items? As to the specific university I mentioned… If they want to interview me haven’t I had my app already checked?
Indeed the january 22 test wasn’t available at my region…is that any argument?
in that case would the ACT substitute the that SAT subject tests?</p>


<p>You need to call them and explain that you could not take the sat subject test. Don’t make excuses, just find out if they will substitute the ACT. It would be best to get the info straight from the school, instead of relying on what we think! good luck</p>

<p>Some schools will accept the ACT with Writing in lieu of the SAT IIs. Have you taken the ACT with Writing?</p>


<p>Yes, It is with writing!!</p>

<p>just be honest and tell them that you weren’t aware of this requirement and that you would like only your ACT score (which substitutes for subject tests at most places) to be considered now. there, problem solved!</p>

<p>I don’t think you could do anything about it know. Their not going to wait for you to take the tests because of all the apps they have to view. I could be wrong however.</p>

<p>If you are missing all SAT IIs, your application at the very top schools will be either very weak or not considered at all, especially if it’s marked “incomplete.” You can call the school, but you’ve basically had since beginning of 2007 to take SAT IIs.</p>

<p>Legrand, that is great! Taking the ACT with Writing is an acceptable alternative to SAT IIs at BU, as well as many other top schools. Your application will not be any weaker than someone who has taken the SAT IIs if the school requires either SAT IIs or ACT with Writing, which is the case for very many top schools. You are in good shape, best of luck!</p>

<p>Schools vary with regard to their SAT Subject test requirements of students submitting scores for the ACT in place of the SAT: some schools consider the ACT an alternative to both the SAT and some SAT Subject tests, whereas others accept the ACT but require SAT Subject tests as well. Information about a school’s specific test requirements can typically be found on its official website. If you received a message that says you need 2 SAT Subject tests, then you need to contact the admissions office as soon as possible to determine what your options are at this point. Good luck.</p>