MIT Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I had a similar question.

The recommendation entry asked one of the types, Teacher, Counselor, or Optional Supplemental. I would assume the Status Checklist we see now would list the same Type the recommendation request was associated with. Our Status Checklist lists only First and Second “teacher” and no “optional supplemental”. Has anyone seen the
optional on yours?

Before application was submitted, the Recommendation status already listed “submitted” for all names of: 2 teachers, 1 counselor (does not tell what was sent), and 1 optional.

With that, I have another related question.

Our Status Checklist only has 4 rows. Does anyone’s Checklist list “Counselor?” Ours lists only “Transcript” (which was sent by counselor), but does not list counselor’s recommendation or profile. MIT website says “We also require materials from your school counselor (typically including your transcript, a school profile, and a letter of recommendation)” I wonder if they would list each of the three things, two, or only Transcript? Can anyone share what types your checklist lists?

Thank you,

Ah okay, so hopefully @Hopeful0304’s son can find his checklist now too.

D’s checklist lists her high school transcript twice, one says received, one not. The email said if that’s the case don’t worry as it’s an error they’ll fix.

There’s also a missing transcript for a non-high school course. The MIT email said not to worry as long as the high school transcript was received since most non high school courses are listed there too. But her high school transcript doesn’t show this class. She sent it via Parchment which says MIT received and downloaded it. We weren’t sure if she should re-send it since they did get the high school transcript, and this was just for a single class.

We have 5 rows, 3 Transcript (HS, 2 different colleges) and 2 recommendations (First, Second based on the order it was received). My D22 has a third recommender but that’s in the slideroom so I can’t comment on that.


Honestly they won’t need the transcript at this point but it doesn’t hurt to check with the admissions.

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Per what the others above advised me and what I now see on my D’s portal (I can’t believe I’m in her application portal but she did ask for my help and gave me the logins!), the Optional Supplemental won’t be listed on the Checklist. You just need to find it in the list of received Recommendations which it looks like you’ve done.

My D has a total of 6 Rows – 4 Transcripts (HS twice, 1 college, 1 other course), 2 Recommendations (First Teacher, Second Teacher).

We don’t see “Counselor” or “Supplemental Rec” on the checklist either, but the school counselor’s and supplemental recommender’s names are listed in the Recommendation section as having been submitted. So it sounds like the same as yours. :slight_smile:


I was able to find S22’s checklist by opening the actual application. It only shows 2 transcripts (HS, College) and 2 teacher recs. Does not mention school profile, counselor rec, or the optional recommender, though you can see that the optional and counselor recs were received in the Manage your Recommenders tab. Since S22 received an email indicating that his application is Complete and nothing more is needed, I have to assume that the other required elements are sitting in the background.


Thanks, I think we’ll just re-send if it doesn’t show up by tomorrow. The emails said they’d reach out if they still need more transcripts so D prefers not to bother them and I think it will be ok. :crossed_fingers:

Luckily parchment or e-delivery should take care of it quickly. I was worried about Caltech as that’s through paper mail. It just went fine.

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Sorry - what does Caltech need via paper mail?
(Apologies all - I know this isn’t a Caltech thread but that caught my attention and want to make sure my D didn’t miss something. @advitha feel free to message me directly if we want to take this offline instead of here).


I don;t think there’s anything to worry. Transcript services do a paper based delivery to Caltech vs other schools get their transcripts via e-delivery. As long as she sent her transcripts through a service like Parchment, they should be able to handle this.

Ah, ok. Thank you.
My D’s school uses Naviance and Caltech’s checklist shows that the transcript was received.

@advitha, @chrisntine and @Hopeful0304

Ours has 2 transcripts (HS, College) and 2 teacher recs as well at least, so I think that answered my questions. Plus, we also received an email saying application is complete, and just relax, but really? :sweat_smile:

Thank you all for sharing what yours lists so quickly.

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Two recommendations and one HS transcript. We sent CC transcript but it is not showing on the MIT portal but we received an email saying the transcript order was completed.

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Thank you.

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My research says these are the most recent EA Admission release date/times:

2016: Thurs. 12/15 6:28p (tau)
2017: Thurs. 12/14 6:28p
2018: Sat. 12/15 12:15p
2019: Sat. 12/14 12:14p
2020: Sat. 12/19 3:14p (pi)

Recent dates indicate some time on Sat. 12/18, but they seem to mix up days/time periodically.


any Indians in this thread who have applied to MIT EA?

Specify which Indians you are talking about:

Indian citizens applying from India
Indian citizens who are green-card holders applying from US
Indian origin American citizens


Indian citizens applying from India

Have anyone gotten email or call about updating portal such as quarter grade or what not?

I think they don’t usually require you to report your quarter grade, only mid-year grades for RA and deferred applicants are requested.

“We do not require first quarter grades. We will ask for midyear grades from RA applicants and EA deferred students in January. If you would like to submit first quarter grades, you can mail them to us at any time.” - From MIT admissions.

You can choose to email them the info if you want the admissions to take a look at the current trend in your grades but it’s not necessary.