MIT Mites?

<p>Is there anyone applying for the program? IF you have, have you heard from the admission yet?</p>

<p>I applied but I haven't heard anything yet... :/
We should be finding out sometime this week</p>

<p>As of Friday, the decisions had not been sent out yet.</p>

<p>how do you know that?</p>

<p>I was there at the MITES office for MIT CPW.</p>

<p>I haven't been on cc in forever but I happened to run across this post. I, like vu, am a MITES 05 alum. I'll answer ANY questions about MITES that anyone has to the best of my abilities.</p>

<p>i got in! i am so happy!!
what course should i take? i mean how many courses can you take?</p>

<p>Congratulations! If you have any questions, talk to me or saila_tresini (I don't know if he/she wants me to reveal their name on CC).</p>

<p>Firstly I should say that everyone accepted into MITES or who is going to apply for '07 can learn a lot from reading the info on <a href=""&gt;;/a> Of particular interest to many people may be the ALumni profiles which will give you an idea of the success of many MITES alums. Even though admission to MITES does not guarantee admission to MIT or any other college, many people from my class and previous years are accepted to and attend MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, Etc. I am going to Harvard, somewhere I wouldn't have applied to if I didn't go to MITES.</p>

<p>To answer your question. Everyone in MITES takes 5 classes
Calculus 1 or Calculus 2 (Based on if you have taken Calc already)
Physics 1, 2, or 3 (Based on if you've taken calc and a placement test)
Chemistry, Biochem, Biology (Based on Preference and Placement Test. They wont put you in a class if you do TOO well in it on the placement test)
Humanities (Same for everyone, it's the English class)
Elective: MechEng/Robotics, Internet Programming, or Genomics (12 people) only) </p>

<p>If anything has changed for '06 sorry for wrong info but that's the way it was last year.</p>

<p>btw my name is Charles and my email is <a href=""></a></p>