More Notre Dame or Bama fans in your area?

<p>My area has considerably more Notre Dame fans than Bama fans and they are coming out to finally support Notre Dame…how about your state and area? I’m curious how they are letting their suppport known…ROLL TIDE</p>

<p>This is Manti Te’o country, so Notre Dame by a long shot. It’s gonna be a windfall for psychologists and psychiatrists in the islands, as mass depression foments throughout the state. ;)</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I live less than an hour from ND, so I’d say there’s an even split between people who absolutely love Notre Dame and people who can’t stand it. I’m one of the former (actually planning to attend ND this fall).</p>

<p>Go Irish!</p>

<p>Although I live in Bama County, one of my neighbors is Mr. Notre Dame - he’s a grad, his car is plastered with ND decals, and he drives up for EVERY home game. </p>

<p>I’m hoping things go Bama’s way tomorrow!!!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>We’re outside Chicago, it’s all Notre Dame all the time… :frowning:
(well, except for the handful on here!) RTR!!!</p>

<p>Brian Kelly left the University of Cincinnati in a a mess of lies, this area can not stand him. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Even in a small city in North Alabama, we have a few Notre Dame alums and fans. Overwhelmed, of course by the number of people pulling for Bama…even a few Auburn, Tennessee, and LSU folks! (And, of course, a lot of AU, UTK and LSU folks pulling for ND) Just hope the Tide doesn’t get overwhelmed by the Irish tomorrow night.
Roll Tide Roll!</p>

<p>I am from the Richmond Virginia area. There are quite a few Bama fans here. Most folks just cheer for VT or UVA. I have not seen too many ND fans.</p>

<p>This year I have not noticed as many ND fans as in previous years. I have noticed a lot more Bama fans. Last night while out dining the husband was wearing a Crimson & Crystal Bama shirt. A server came up to him and shook his hand and told us he is for Bama and both parents alum. He went on to say that someone had plastered his UA car w/ ND the other day while in the parking lot. Not nice :(<br>
Then, this one is weird, I have seen people say they are pulling for ND solely because they are catholic. Whatever… </p>

<p>I’ve heard aggies saying they are for and against Bama. They are a very weird breed. Of course, the ones that want Bama to win want them to do so in order to brag that they beat the National Champion and it should have been them there and not Bama. Ugh!!! </p>


<p>Here in California, it’s all Roll Tide dude haha!</p>

<p>Here in suburban Chicago it’s Notre Dame by a large margin. I see Notre Dame flags flying and my 7th grader is planning to wear a Bama t-shirt, Bama sweatshirt and Big Al hat to school to try to counteract all the Notre Dame wear that will be sported tomorrow.</p>

<p>Yes there are a lot of ND fans here in Chicagoland. But if you are not a ND fan you are Big10. And Big10 people hate ND - so now there a lot of temporary Bama fans.</p>

<p>Here in Michigan people really don’t like Nick Saban because of his history at Michigan State (they see him as ‘chasing the money’)…but they hate Notre Dame more. This is probably the only game where Michiganders will (reluctantly) cheer for an Alabama win. </p>

<p>It looks like most of the ‘experts’ are predicting a ND win?!?</p>

<p>North of Chicago here…definitely deep into ND territory. We live on small cul-de-sac (9 homes). In the back is a strong ND supporter. Bad luck for him, family across the street sent their daughter to Bama last year, and we’re sending our son next year, so Mr. ND has to drive past to Roll Tide flags on his way to and from home every day…love it!</p>

<p>P.S. TXNewCollegeMom, indeed the Gaggies are a very strange breed. You know what they say…“A&M, where men are men and sheep are scared!” It does not surprise me one iota that they will claim to be the real champions if Bama wins. Forget the fact they have 2 losses this year. I was so hoping Oklahoma would stomp them to put an end to it, but no luck on that one. Right now the SEC is so excited to have them, let’s see how they feel about putting up with their BS in a few years</p>

<p>Tommy Reese graduated with my daughter. ND rules here. Our Roll Tide flag is proudly flying and I will be wearing my houndstooth skirt and crimson sweater to work tomorrow!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>A local football player will likely start for Notre Dame, so some people are pulling for Notre Dame because of that.</p>

<p>As for other people, it’s a mix of those who think Bama has won enough lately and those who just don’t like Notre Dame. There are probably a few who are rooting for Notre Dame because they are Catholic. That said, everyone is excited that the Seahawks won. :)</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Well close to Indiana so I got to beleive Notre Dame has more (even on of my football buddies is cousins with Te’o) but needless to say the Alabama fans are definately more vocal and make the proportions appear different from what they really are</p>

<p>txdoula, you got them Gaggies right! On that game the other night one good friend that is a UT alum called it a UT fans worst nightmare game and was hoping for a losing tie. LOL! I was pulling for ou for the first time in my life as I despise the opponent so much.
Told my kids they could go to any school EXCEPT a&m.</p>

<p>Too funny TxNewCollegeMom! Did you see the Texas monthly fb post…asking UT fans, were they voting for a) OU b) ATM or c) a sinkhole to swallow them both up! I definately was pulling for OU, because there wasn’t a realy Texas team in the bunch, and if I’m going to cheer for a SEC team…it’s Bama all the way!</p>

<p>My son considered UT (too big) and ATM (too ATM), settled on Bama all on his own, much to the chagrin of the Florida, FSU and Georgia alums in the family. We’re very excited about what’s going on in the engineering at Alabama, think the boy has made a great choice. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>txdoula, no, I missed that. TOO FUNNY! I wish I’d known as I would have posted that on my FB. :slight_smile:
Now it is in the news here in Dallas and on TMZ about mr football, age 20, partying with alcohol at a club in Dallas that is 21 and up only. Now he is upset that people are paying attention and he is doing what he has always done. Then Bubba oughta get used to the spotlight and now w/ the glory comes the spotlight and every move he makes will be in it. </p>

<p>ROLL TIDE!</p>