More Questions on the UC App- I promise i used the search button!

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>Question on the UC App</p>

<p>I am from out of state- therefore i assume that i am not to select a course from the drop down menu, but instead enter mine manually. I know certain courses are not considered honors (like 9th grade courses and 10th english) but shouldn’t i still title them honors if that is how they are written on my transcript (while checking the NH category)?</p>

<p>Basically, I am asking if when i enter the title of my course- do i enter it exactly as written on my transcript? or otherwise?</p>

<p>On that same note, my transcript designates certian courses as lab- for example Biology A (hon) (lab)- should i enter just “biology a”, “biology a (hon)” or biology a (hon) (lab)" or should i pick from the drop down list?</p>

<p>thanks for your help!</p>

<p>That's what we did for my son's--this way you can show that it was considered honors by your school anyway, even if they don't consider it as such. Not sure about the Lab portion--I would say what looks understandable. This isn't the easiest form to navigate, is it?!</p>

<p>When I called last year they told me to list it exactly as it is found on the transcript. For example if your transcript says "Honors Biology A Lab", put it as Honors Biology A Lab on the app.</p>

<p>It really doesnt matter that much b/c the transcript pages are read by a computer to calculate your UC GPA, so readers dont actually look at the names that you give</p>

<p>Please list the courses as they appear on your transcript. At some campuses a human reader will review the courses you have completed, like at UC Davis.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! That's what i was thinking just it wasn't very clear in the directions...</p>